Биткоин совершенно неожиданно жмякнулся сегодня) В то же время альткоины почти не пострадали. Обычно биткоин тянет за собою в пропасть всех остальных, но не в этот раз, интересно почему...
KiwiJuce3 and run by Rishi556, you can check both of them out there. To receive upvotes on your own posts, you need to join the Kiwi Co. Discord this link.You got voted by @curationkiwi thanks to olgablinova! This bot is managed by and go to the room named #CurationKiwi. Submit your post there using the command "!upvote (post link)" to receive upvotes on your post. CurationKiwi is currently supported by donations from users like you, so feel free to leave an upvote on our posts or comments to support us!
We have also recently added a new whitelist feature for those who would like to support CurationKiwi even more! If you would like to receive upvotes more than 2x greater than the normal upvote, all you need to do is delegate 50 SP to @CurationKiwi using
Thanks for sharing that bro lets see how it goes
Биткоин совершенно неожиданно жмякнулся сегодня) В то же время альткоины почти не пострадали. Обычно биткоин тянет за собою в пропасть всех остальных, но не в этот раз, интересно почему...
А сегодня, пошел откат.
KiwiJuce3 and run by Rishi556, you can check both of them out there. To receive upvotes on your own posts, you need to join the Kiwi Co. Discord
this link.You got voted by @curationkiwi thanks to olgablinova! This bot is managed by and go to the room named #CurationKiwi. Submit your post there using the command "!upvote (post link)" to receive upvotes on your post. CurationKiwi is currently supported by donations from users like you, so feel free to leave an upvote on our posts or comments to support us! We have also recently added a new whitelist feature for those who would like to support CurationKiwi even more! If you would like to receive upvotes more than 2x greater than the normal upvote, all you need to do is delegate 50 SP to @CurationKiwi using
This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @curationkiwi.