Coin: UnbreakableCoin (UNB)
Exchange: Bittrex
Bought at: 0.000094
Sold at: 0.00011419
Profit: 21.5%
Duration: 20 hours
After the jump of 300% on the 22nd, there is a clear argument between 0.00017 and 0.00012. This is more than a 40% swing! One can trade off this swing, but it wasn't too clear how well this argument is supported after the big rise. Once a crack past support at 0.00012 happened early yesterday, I got in the trade a little late and bought at 0.00009. There was a chance support might not have been strong after the crack as there was little activity for about 14-15 hours after the buy, so another order was placed about 15% further down in case another fall happens. However, the second buy was not necessary since this morning there was a rise back to base which I sold all my position at for almost 22% profit.
If you want to learn more about trading cracks off of bases, I encourage you to visit Luc's blog here on steemit.
This is actually a perfect example of Luc's method! :)
Way to go man! :)