Wow. New video! I am waiting so long :) And how do you think about CryptoKitties? I would like to hear your opinions Thank you so much for your videos about trading. Greetings from Vietnam :D
Hey Luc, first of all thank you for your time to educate us. It makes a world of difference and gives a lot of confidence when trading.
Done my first trade yesterday in the little dip in BTC/USDT
My question is, since everything looks like its in a strong bull market,
Is there a relatively safe way to trade in a market like this (despite having your coins just sitting there) or is it just a waiting game till bases start to crack again?
Another big thank you here! We all really appreciate the time you spend helping us, even with your busy sched.
I will also eagerly await the slack invite.
Cheers Luc.
Seriously Luc - don't share any info on how or where you store your passwords/keys! That's just crazy! Don't do it!
All your videos have been absolute GOLD. This cryptokitties just got a bit weird though. Maybe I'm just getting old - I just don't get it. But then I never really understood the tamagotchi craze either.
@quickfingersluc depending on how long your password was you may be able to recover it by brute force with hashcat (which now has ether wallet support). I lost a wallet password also so I've tested it out. I considered setting up a service to help people recover their passwords using Amazon Web Serive (AWS) for computing power to speed up the process but I decided it was a bit of a slippery slop, I didn't want to recover passwords for people who might have stolen the json files. Anyway if you want more details send me a message on slack my user id is timothyja
Thank you for reminding me.. :-)@quickfingersluc Hey Great Luc!!.. I bought a kitty and bred one also few days ago and posted about them on our Slack room too.. Till now I completely forgot about them..
@quickfingersluc should really have a Discord group. Slack is great for teams and smaller groups, but Discord really lends itself to larger, slightly more public groups. I belong to several different crypto related servers and it's just a really handy forum for this kind of thing. It's super easy to see the latest posts and discussions can be divided into relevant channels. Like Slack but, as I say, better for a larger group centered around one or a few key individuals.
I understand lucs busy and cant always respond, is there someone here who can help answer a few questions that i have? Im super super new to trading and wanted to make sure i have a firm grasp on it before investing any more money.
First things first, learn the difference between "investing" and "trading." Investment is long-term, trading is short-term. It's important to keep that in mind, because all these people "trading" their "investments" is precisely what makes Luc's followers rich!!!
I dont have access to the slack chat room but i would love to have it.
My first question is: is there a particular currency that is better to trade with? For instance, if i wanted to buy some xmr(just an example), is it better to use ETH, BTC, USDT, LTC?
Is it easier to trade smaller amounts more frequently, or is it ok to buy up a whole bunch of coins at once and then try to unload them all?
Also, everyone talks about "research research research". What are some reputable sources to recieve news about whats going on with the market?
As I just wrote above, with a Discord server, Luc could easily assign one or several individuals as moderators, and regular group members with more experience can be easily color coded so that newer members can see who to turn to with questions if Luc is unavailable. It's also really easy to have voice sessions where one or several people have the mic and everybody else can listen in if they want to. There can also be channels reserved for announcements, server protocol, faqs, etc. And there are bots that show current coin information and other stuff.
For anyone wanting to learn more about crypto, there are a TON of great Discord groups and it's pretty easy to get invites. Unlike Slack.
Watch all of Luc's videos. Then watch them all again. And again. You pick up nuggets of gold info that you missed the first (or second...) time around. And read all the posts too. Then just dive in. Theory is good, but until you start putting it into practice, you're not going to really learn. Be patient, and pick your trades. You may screw up, but if you understand what he's telling you in the videos, and apply that, it's hard to screw up too often.
Hey Luc just wanted to say a massive thanks for your vids...they are defntly in a different league from most of the rubbish out there...Im never one to really give the time of day to most 'educational' vids let alone comment on them but you deserve a special mention...I doff my cap to you sir.
Sometimes a new video is not about giving us more or new info. I think for a lot of followers it is s reminder to stay the course when it gets tempting to deviate from the plan. Also many of us don't know other people who trade so it make us feel a bit more grounded to see your content. Thanks for putting out the new video and thanks for teaching us how to trade. This channel has been a life changer.
I love your videos, thank you!!! Everything you say makes perfect sense. It's so interesting to see how much money you can make when "investors" forget they're not "traders" so they keep getting emotional and buying high / selling low... I made my first trade this morning and it was a profit -- may only be $.08 but a win is a win!
I think Kitty 2 sold at profit, the sale dates look reverse-chronological...?
Hello Luc, you are the reason why I invested in Crypto, I'm new in this, about 10 days trading and already have +40% in my account, but I need to ask you a favor please help me with my christmas gift , I know this is a crazy idea, but I'm looking for my christmas miracle. Please help me promoting this crazy idea, and if you like the idea your contribution is also welcome ;)
Hey Luc,
Great videos man! I just have one question, how do you catch a sell on the shadows? I can never seem to make a sell on the wicks. I mean it just goes up high and my order never gets filled and drops back down and then I'll catch the sell on the body. Am I doing something wrong here?? lol Would appreciate it if you could give me some tips on that. Thanks in advance.
deep breath. Woo that is what I have been saying all along. Hold onto your alt coins. Mine them. Mine them out of thin air with gpu power. Electroneum has been amazing. I run the xmr stak miner.
Hi Luc, I love your videos! Question: Do you have any tips for trading while away from the computer? Let's say I buy into a position, but the bounce takes a while, several hours or days. How do you manage this? Set up sell orders at the expected bounce return location?
I watched all your videos (even the old ones) and they are pretty awesome.@quickfingersluc
If you had the time, I just had a few questions:
You mention 'free coins' in many of your videos. Does this mean that out of the profits you make from an altcoin, you always keep some portion in that altcoin and never convert it to USDT?
I have only been trading USD -> coin and coin -> USDT so far but seems like you keep a large portion of your money in ETH and BTC at all times? Are you not afraid of the volatility risk of keeping your money in coins at all times? What happens if a catastrophic event that cripples the crypto industry happens while your sleeping. You could lose a lot of money.
Do you take big positions on altcoins that are not very well known or are big positions only taken on ETH / bigger coins?
Hey Luc! Awesome videos I really appreciate the knowledge! I have a question regarding security of using the exchanges. I am just a little nervous about giving out all of my information. could you refer a few exchanges that are the safest and or let me know how your experience has gone with security? Anything would help! I would like to trade XRP, LTC, ETH, and BTC.
Hello! I am new to Luc's videos and they have been really helpful. I am struggling to get my mindset in BTC when trading. If I want to follow Luc's strategy and buy ETH after it's cracked the last base, I am trading BTC for ETH. But BTC is fluctuating all over the place at the same time. If I sell BTC to buy ETH when it is low, BTC is also probably low so aren't I selling BTC at a loss to buy ETH? And then when I sell the ETH, I'm selling it for BTC, which has also probably risen. I'm converting to USD and can't see how you can make money on a trade. I trade BTC at a low to buy ETH at a low and then sell ETH at a high to buy BTC at a higher pricepoint. I think I am wrong here, right? How am I wrong? I haven't been able to find any articles or videos out there that address my mindset! Thanks for any help you can provide. My brain is turning this over and driving me nuts!
What is the minimum timeframe which should take into consideration when trying to determine the 'base'? Hours, days? I am not sure i've ever heard of this in the videos. This can be considered as 'base' marked with yellow?
Thanks for all your shares Luc, keep up the good work and publish new blog posts please!
Thanks for the update @quickfingersluc. I can't wait to join the slack group, I will eagerly look out for the invite. Looking forward to the new tool too!
Hey Luc, you speak a lot in your videos about bases (supports) and you get very enthusiastic about how easy they are and how trading is super simple, and you go through days and days of graphs and show "look another base" and it's like it all follows a perfect perfect code that is always the same. Now, I started trading a couple weeks ago, and I do see the bases, but here is my problem: the rise in percentage from a base upwards is always minute, so I make very little from it, and when a resistance gets broken, its unpredictable and does it over many hours without following any pattern. Then, unless it falls just a few percent back down to the "new base" it falls drastically down and I am often unprepared for that (like it will happen at 4 a.m.). Also, you speak very rarely of resistance, like, maybe I've seen you speak of it one time, even in your video on bases and resistance, you basically say bases are what matters. However, bases aren't much good if you don't know when to sell. Would you be able to give me a sort of concise explanation of how to actually use the base AND resistance, how many hours of returning to the same point constitute a base, and what actually constitutes resistance?
I took some screenshots if you wanted to see why I feel like my trading shots look so different than yours. Does GDAX just suck for getting nice bases?
Also, and this would probably be helpful for all, was there a good way to predict that Ether would go shooting up while BTC fell in the last few days? Stupidly I ended up with BTC at a bad time, when if I had known I would have bought ETH low, then bought BTC with it once ETH shot up and BTC shot down.
First have to thank Luc for the great videos. I've had so much fun over past couple weeks. Also looking at the Fishtank site, see how that goes when it's up and running.
I watched videos for about a week before even creating an account on Coinigy, then stared at graphs for about 3 days before plucking up courage to buy/sell (using Kraken as Bittrex not accepting new accounts at mo), so had some teething issues but I realized the very first mistake I made was not treating my buy in from USD like 'trade' and waiting until a base cracked ! I just waded in and bough BCH, then realized I bought high wherein it fell...So had to then wait until it had at least passed where I bought in or I'd be losing right of bat !!
oh, side note. Since I've gotten into the whole thing I've also been letting my PC run Ethereum miner, which today just pooped out $25 into my wallet (bout a weeks processing), wohoo.
Wow. New video! I am waiting so long :) And how do you think about CryptoKitties? I would like to hear your opinions Thank you so much for your videos about trading. Greetings from Vietnam :D
YES! finally!
Hey Luc, first of all thank you for your time to educate us. It makes a world of difference and gives a lot of confidence when trading.
Done my first trade yesterday in the little dip in BTC/USDT
My question is, since everything looks like its in a strong bull market,
Is there a relatively safe way to trade in a market like this (despite having your coins just sitting there) or is it just a waiting game till bases start to crack again?
Thanks for the video update Luc! I can't thank you enough for your trading videos and will keep an eye out for the slack invites to open.
Another big thank you here! We all really appreciate the time you spend helping us, even with your busy sched.
I will also eagerly await the slack invite.
Cheers Luc.
Seriously Luc - don't share any info on how or where you store your passwords/keys! That's just crazy! Don't do it!
All your videos have been absolute GOLD. This cryptokitties just got a bit weird though. Maybe I'm just getting old - I just don't get it. But then I never really understood the tamagotchi craze either.
That was literally the only password stored on paper in my file cabinet.. I got alot more hightech since then.. But thanks for the advice..
Hi Luc,
Thank you for the videos! where do you trade pennystocks?
@quickfingersluc depending on how long your password was you may be able to recover it by brute force with hashcat (which now has ether wallet support). I lost a wallet password also so I've tested it out. I considered setting up a service to help people recover their passwords using Amazon Web Serive (AWS) for computing power to speed up the process but I decided it was a bit of a slippery slop, I didn't want to recover passwords for people who might have stolen the json files. Anyway if you want more details send me a message on slack my user id is timothyja
Thank you for reminding me.. :-)@quickfingersluc Hey Great Luc!!.. I bought a kitty and bred one also few days ago and posted about them on our Slack room too.. Till now I completely forgot about them..
Hi, where is the slackroom?
I am also interested in entering the slack room of @quickfingersluc ;-)
New registrations are closed at this point..
@quickfingersluc should really have a Discord group. Slack is great for teams and smaller groups, but Discord really lends itself to larger, slightly more public groups. I belong to several different crypto related servers and it's just a really handy forum for this kind of thing. It's super easy to see the latest posts and discussions can be divided into relevant channels. Like Slack but, as I say, better for a larger group centered around one or a few key individuals.
I understand lucs busy and cant always respond, is there someone here who can help answer a few questions that i have? Im super super new to trading and wanted to make sure i have a firm grasp on it before investing any more money.
First things first, learn the difference between "investing" and "trading." Investment is long-term, trading is short-term. It's important to keep that in mind, because all these people "trading" their "investments" is precisely what makes Luc's followers rich!!!
Post your questions here or in the slack room. They usually get answered.
What is the minimum amount of money you need to trade on coinology? I have very little and it wont let me trade.. Am I doing something wrong?
I dont have access to the slack chat room but i would love to have it.
My first question is: is there a particular currency that is better to trade with? For instance, if i wanted to buy some xmr(just an example), is it better to use ETH, BTC, USDT, LTC?
Is it easier to trade smaller amounts more frequently, or is it ok to buy up a whole bunch of coins at once and then try to unload them all?
Also, everyone talks about "research research research". What are some reputable sources to recieve news about whats going on with the market?
As I just wrote above, with a Discord server, Luc could easily assign one or several individuals as moderators, and regular group members with more experience can be easily color coded so that newer members can see who to turn to with questions if Luc is unavailable. It's also really easy to have voice sessions where one or several people have the mic and everybody else can listen in if they want to. There can also be channels reserved for announcements, server protocol, faqs, etc. And there are bots that show current coin information and other stuff.
For anyone wanting to learn more about crypto, there are a TON of great Discord groups and it's pretty easy to get invites. Unlike Slack.
I would love to join discord group. Any rcommendations?
Yeah, do you have any discord group recommendations?
Watch all of Luc's videos. Then watch them all again. And again. You pick up nuggets of gold info that you missed the first (or second...) time around. And read all the posts too. Then just dive in. Theory is good, but until you start putting it into practice, you're not going to really learn. Be patient, and pick your trades. You may screw up, but if you understand what he's telling you in the videos, and apply that, it's hard to screw up too often.
Hey Luc just wanted to say a massive thanks for your vids...they are defntly in a different league from most of the rubbish out there...Im never one to really give the time of day to most 'educational' vids let alone comment on them but you deserve a special mention...I doff my cap to you sir.
Sometimes a new video is not about giving us more or new info. I think for a lot of followers it is s reminder to stay the course when it gets tempting to deviate from the plan. Also many of us don't know other people who trade so it make us feel a bit more grounded to see your content. Thanks for putting out the new video and thanks for teaching us how to trade. This channel has been a life changer.
I think it will fall just after your video :D
I love your videos, thank you!!! Everything you say makes perfect sense. It's so interesting to see how much money you can make when "investors" forget they're not "traders" so they keep getting emotional and buying high / selling low... I made my first trade this morning and it was a profit -- may only be $.08 but a win is a win!
I think Kitty 2 sold at profit, the sale dates look reverse-chronological...?
@quickfingersluc Love your videos and method are you going to ever make that "Day Trading" video where you show how you day trade? Or Intraday Trade?
I like to build my stack daily while also doing what you recommend with base breaking.
Do you know what platform he uses for penny stocks?
Hello Luc, you are the reason why I invested in Crypto, I'm new in this, about 10 days trading and already have +40% in my account, but I need to ask you a favor please help me with my christmas gift , I know this is a crazy idea, but I'm looking for my christmas miracle. Please help me promoting this crazy idea, and if you like the idea your contribution is also welcome ;)
Can you downvote on steemit? This type of begging/post has no place here.
agreed. that is some weak shit right there.
Hey Luc,
Great videos man! I just have one question, how do you catch a sell on the shadows? I can never seem to make a sell on the wicks. I mean it just goes up high and my order never gets filled and drops back down and then I'll catch the sell on the body. Am I doing something wrong here?? lol Would appreciate it if you could give me some tips on that. Thanks in advance.
Someone please reply to this!
deep breath. Woo that is what I have been saying all along. Hold onto your alt coins. Mine them. Mine them out of thin air with gpu power. Electroneum has been amazing. I run the xmr stak miner.
What base currency is best to trade in your opinion?
USDT over USD?
Why do you mostly use Bittrex?
Hi Luc, I love your videos! Question: Do you have any tips for trading while away from the computer? Let's say I buy into a position, but the bounce takes a while, several hours or days. How do you manage this? Set up sell orders at the expected bounce return location?
I watched all your videos (even the old ones) and they are pretty awesome.@quickfingersluc
If you had the time, I just had a few questions:
Thanks a lot! Cheers!
Man, you are awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing! No doubt, you'll be rewarded for your kindness ;-)
we need an update luc
Hey Luc! Awesome videos I really appreciate the knowledge! I have a question regarding security of using the exchanges. I am just a little nervous about giving out all of my information. could you refer a few exchanges that are the safest and or let me know how your experience has gone with security? Anything would help! I would like to trade XRP, LTC, ETH, and BTC.
Thank you good sir!
Hello! I am new to Luc's videos and they have been really helpful. I am struggling to get my mindset in BTC when trading. If I want to follow Luc's strategy and buy ETH after it's cracked the last base, I am trading BTC for ETH. But BTC is fluctuating all over the place at the same time. If I sell BTC to buy ETH when it is low, BTC is also probably low so aren't I selling BTC at a loss to buy ETH? And then when I sell the ETH, I'm selling it for BTC, which has also probably risen. I'm converting to USD and can't see how you can make money on a trade. I trade BTC at a low to buy ETH at a low and then sell ETH at a high to buy BTC at a higher pricepoint. I think I am wrong here, right? How am I wrong? I haven't been able to find any articles or videos out there that address my mindset! Thanks for any help you can provide. My brain is turning this over and driving me nuts!
What is the minimum timeframe which should take into consideration when trying to determine the 'base'? Hours, days? I am not sure i've ever heard of this in the videos. This can be considered as 'base' marked with yellow?
Thanks for all your shares Luc, keep up the good work and publish new blog posts please!
The real base on this graph has already been cracked, and bounced (the green line is the base)
You have to zoom out to see the new base..
The yellow line is not a base of any kind, as there are no bounces from that line lol
Thanks for the update @quickfingersluc. I can't wait to join the slack group, I will eagerly look out for the invite. Looking forward to the new tool too!
Finally i've made the decision based on this post by Awesome Luc, and bought my first CryptoKitty:
'May I have a like. TY' ->
BTW this cat has the 8th most likes in Gen 0 on the network. Please help my cat fly ahead! :)
Hey Luc, you speak a lot in your videos about bases (supports) and you get very enthusiastic about how easy they are and how trading is super simple, and you go through days and days of graphs and show "look another base" and it's like it all follows a perfect perfect code that is always the same. Now, I started trading a couple weeks ago, and I do see the bases, but here is my problem: the rise in percentage from a base upwards is always minute, so I make very little from it, and when a resistance gets broken, its unpredictable and does it over many hours without following any pattern. Then, unless it falls just a few percent back down to the "new base" it falls drastically down and I am often unprepared for that (like it will happen at 4 a.m.). Also, you speak very rarely of resistance, like, maybe I've seen you speak of it one time, even in your video on bases and resistance, you basically say bases are what matters. However, bases aren't much good if you don't know when to sell. Would you be able to give me a sort of concise explanation of how to actually use the base AND resistance, how many hours of returning to the same point constitute a base, and what actually constitutes resistance?
I took some screenshots if you wanted to see why I feel like my trading shots look so different than yours. Does GDAX just suck for getting nice bases?
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 9.22.53 AM.png
Also, and this would probably be helpful for all, was there a good way to predict that Ether would go shooting up while BTC fell in the last few days? Stupidly I ended up with BTC at a bad time, when if I had known I would have bought ETH low, then bought BTC with it once ETH shot up and BTC shot down.
First have to thank Luc for the great videos. I've had so much fun over past couple weeks. Also looking at the Fishtank site, see how that goes when it's up and running.
I watched videos for about a week before even creating an account on Coinigy, then stared at graphs for about 3 days before plucking up courage to buy/sell (using Kraken as Bittrex not accepting new accounts at mo), so had some teething issues but I realized the very first mistake I made was not treating my buy in from USD like 'trade' and waiting until a base cracked ! I just waded in and bough BCH, then realized I bought high wherein it fell...So had to then wait until it had at least passed where I bought in or I'd be losing right of bat !!
Anyhow, small steps. Keep up good work.
oh, side note. Since I've gotten into the whole thing I've also been letting my PC run Ethereum miner, which today just pooped out $25 into my wallet (bout a weeks processing), wohoo.
Hi, im new to this can someone send me a slackroom invite link?