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RE: A thread from our slack chatroom

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for letting me know that my blog has helped you. So often I am only msged with questions and usually the same questions over and over. So i really appreciate it when someone just takes a few minutes to let me know that they have watched enough videos to understand the basics and ofcourse share some successful trade.
You are right in saying that its not easy to trade my style. Not that there is anything difficult about the simple method I use, its developing the patience to wait for the right opportunity to come around that is difficult .. Look at BTC for example, gah.. Just days of consolidation, waiting for it to drop or pop.. I had an awesome day on the stock market today, (quick and easy money) and that helps me remain patient while I wait on BTC, ETH, BCC, NEO or whatever else is lolleygaging


Yes, I've seen others on message boards who really know their stuff and try to help people, but then they get deluged with questions. And after a while it gets to be too much, and they burn out and disappear. It really is a shame.

Everything anyone needs to get started is right in your videos and in these comment threads. I have found a few nuggets in these comments that are just gold! If people are serious about learning, they need to devote time to dig through the materials. It seems too many people want the short cut, and be spoon fed. What they don't realize is that THIS IS the shortcut! I spent, literally, a full week going through all this stuff. Only a week. That's it. Probably 40-50 hours. Now I have a good enough understanding to make profitable trades. Compare that to the almost 20 years I have been floundering around trading all kinds of stuff using all kinds of stupid, worthless systems (some of which I paid ungodly amounts of money for). If this truly winds up being what it appears to be, then the 1 week it took me to get up to speed is the best short cut I've ever found!

I purposely didn't ask a question or make a comment until I finished all the videos and comments. And every time I found the answer to my question as I moved forward in the blog. If people would simply invest the time to learn the material, then you wouldn't get anywhere near the volume of basic, dare I say stupid, questions that you receive.

My point is this... don't let them ruin this experience for you. Clearly you are enjoying what you are doing. And you are a great teacher, you have a gift. There are many of us out here who genuinely appreciate what you are doing, and are willing to put in the time and effort to learn. Don't be afraid to tell people who ask a basic question to invest the time to watch the videos and read the threads. I guarantee that they will be able to answer their own question after that. But if they aren't willing to do that, then they are not worth your precious time. It's harsh, but sometimes a good slap in the face is what is needed. And it will help you keep your sanity too. :)

Thanks again for everything!


Hi Brian

not even sure if I should ask you. I have subscribed to Coinigy and really like the interface though still looking around. Do you think better to use Coinigy just for the analysis whilst doing the actual trades from individual exchanges - or link exchanges to Coinigy and do all trades through Coinigy itself?



I'm currently consuming all of Lucs information (even steemit comments) before asking any questions, same as you.

Your post is word for word what I would have typed after I was done. If only everybody would follow your example - Luc wouldn't get bombarded with the same redundant questions he's gotten since he's started teaching us.