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RE: Why I recomend 1hour candle charts, if your a new trader..

in #trading8 years ago

here are my thoughts.. (1) theres soo much opportunity in cryptos right now, i would like to keep this blog about trading cryptos (2) I have trained many people to trade pennystocks over the years, an have never found one to end up successful.. its very very dangerous in pennystocks, and I dont know anyone who makes a living at it, except me.. (3) one of the major issues with pennystocks is the commissions.. I easily spend $10,000 a year in comissions.. some days I give back $250 in commissions per day, when im busy.. So not only do you have to make sound decisions/good trades and never make a mistake that might cost you thousands, you also have to overcome these hefty commissions.. It's very hard for the new trader to do what I do..

But here in cryptos the commissions are soo small that you can trade anything any size.. and the trades are soo easy that almost everyone works.. and the percentages are awesome.. I get double money trades almost every week..

So I really dont want to promote penny stock trading here, because I would be leading others to a market that I have never been able to teach anyone to trade in.. And it frustrates me to watch my friends lose money, because I cannot press the buttons for them..