Looking at the graph of last month it seems to be a great time to buy.
Already have 550 steem power but looking to get to a 1000 this month.
What do you think, is buying steem at 4.16$ a good decision? I mean steem power is locked down for 3 months anyway so this gives no opportunity to panic sell. I must hodl!
I'm super bullish on steemit long term. Short term, who knows. These corrections are hard to trade. Best to accumulate and hold over a long time period if you truly believe in this stuff.
Same here on the long term because it has a real "product" people can use and are using right now. Just looking for a great time to enter. Thanks for reading and upvoting :)
Actually now is the time to accumulate any high-quality cryptotokens including STEEM.
I agree. High quality is key. Stay away from the trash like XRP. Bitcoin will probably always be king as it has the best network/devs. But there are a few tokens out there like STEEM that have a lot of long term promise.