saw Steem!I got my transfer in less than 24 hours through coinbase (sorry @acidyo - Kraken next time) and then went there to choose from what I thought was a pretty narrow selection but,
Got excited at the 29 cents and then realised, I can't actually buy it - they just list 50 cryptos that they track. But then I noticed something else that is of concern.
UUUUMMMM??? What?!?
This is the real All time High:

That is a difference of 19x which doesn't sound great (but better than the 28x we are currently at I guess).
I checked BAT, LTC, AUG, TRON and all of them have the correct ATH
Coinbase is a massive fiat exchange and seeing the ATH being so low could have significant impacts on buying decisions for those looking to invest as it would appear that Steem can't climb so high. TRON at 2 cents appears to have the potential to go back up 15x - Steem looks like it might go 0.5x.
I guess another way to look at it is that it has been much more stable :)
While I have no idea whether they will change it, I did at least try because I think there is enough wrong information out there about Steem already with many still believing it is hyper-inflationary.
People will eventually understand you Steem. Someday.
[ a Steem original ]
That's funny because I was looking at those stats last night and was a bit puzzled as well.
If you are looking, others are I guess too.
They just need to hurry and list Steem already!
Posted using Partiko iOS
They need to at least get the information right as I wouldn't invest in something that possibly wouldn't give me a decent return. Good spot and hopefully they fix it.
I am guessing they pull the data in from somewhere so don't even realise.
Good catch. Steem can’t catch a break. Ugh.
Perhaps it is by design. :)
Hopefully one day it will shine.
heh :)
Nice find, I wonder what data they are using for that. Or if they only started reading the data when they added the option to look at the price of STEEM.
Get it listed you buttheads. Can you add that to your next email?
Not sure. I checked them at CMC and all the others were identical (rounded).
That’s definitely gonna hurt us 😕
Posted using Partiko iOS
Meh, in this market, who knows :D
Very true. Btc just took a dump today so yea who knows
Posted using Partiko iOS
Wow that sucks, hope they fix this if coinbase adds steem I feel it will attract allot of new eyes to the platform, just another way making it easy for newbies to buy in
It would be nice if they actually added it, rather than just track it at least :)
At the moment, I don't put more money into Steem and keep accumulate from the platform.
Posted using Partiko Android
I think there are a few doing this but at the same time, it wouldn't be bad to have a few ladders just in case.
The ladder is your case. ;)
Yet another reason not to trust Coinbase
This is crypto.
Don't trust anyone.
Trust but verify :)
Never liked Coinbase. They didn't work in Lithuania when I needed them and now I no longer need them anyway...
Posted using Partiko Android
I have heard Kraken are okay.
I use either Binance or Blocktrades.
do they take fiat directly?
Binance does accept credit cards.
Posted using Partiko Android
Would be positive to have a localbitcoins but for steem. Localsteem, isn't easy to build that but it would give opportunity for external exchange trading.
I have never used localbitcoins, so don't know much.
Good job!
Posted using Partiko Android
At least they started listing Steem - soon when they start the transactions, it will get settled.
I hope more and more valid cryptocurrencies be used in applications, currencies and adoption.
be nice if that was the highest price i ever paid for steem:)
Haha, yeah. I think 2.20 is mine.
Are you the same michealb on smoke? If so I want to mute you, tired of upvoting people like you. I doubt you are the same, but just asking before. Are you the artist?
i'm not on smoke and naw not an artist
Good! Thanks, however you are a Lego artist, how you stuff all those plastic heads, that takes some talent! My favorite is when you take him to the beach and all! Very artsy, that is why I was wondering, have a nice day!