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RE: Should I start up my video blog again? (ethereum is dipping)

in #trading8 years ago (edited)

LUC is here!!!

Aw man, we have missed you. I would've never guessed hackers would be an issue for you but it makes perfect sense considering the circumstances.

Hopefully, you haven't had to deal with any nuisances. What a pain in the ass to deal with.

Although, I can't think of any particular methods to fully secure your teachings. Maybe you can set up an account that does not have direct personal information on it and be regarded as quickfingersluc rather than your real name.

I can't prove this will work since hackers become more and more sophisticated with their methods, but I can say do whatever in your power to protect yourself from such an issue. Once you have figured out the safest way to do things, then maybe jump back into it since we all miss your dearly.

Anyways best of luck to you man and I'm glad to hear everything is ok with you.

Welcome back, teach! ;)


thats exactly what I did for this new YouTube channel I am starting.. Its just called quickfingersluc and has no link to my personal info .. and thats just the tip of the security measures ive taken.. im pretty confident i will be able to sleep better now.. :)