
Hi there, yes something similiar has been mentioned for have exchanges in separate telegram groups, if people are only trading in certain exchange(s). Technically possible and if there is interest for this i will implement it. I mean we could keep the main telegram channel with all alerts and then separate ones for exchanges/coin pairings to keep everyone happy :)

Thanks @nervisrek! Some traders only trade one coin pairing or the other, therefore the extra content for the unused coin is just "background noise". For example I holding a large amount of ETH, waiting for the market to normalize before I convert back into USDT or BTC which is normally my primary trading coin. Until that occurs I am only trading ETH pairings, therefore for the next month (or less if I am lucky) I don't need to get any signals from Telegraph on BTC coin pairings .

BIG FAN of your work, this will only get better over time! As soon as I am more liquid I will send you over a donation as my way of saying thnx!

ok , let me work on an ETH only telegram channel and probably introduce BTC and USDT channels aswell for others :)

Much LOVE!

Looking forward to the time in the future when we can customize minimum volume requirements. In the meantime, I'm happy as a pig wallowing around in the mud ;-)

I have setup an ETH only channel, here is the telegram link:

if you could test this out, as its also running latest code that I will be releasing in next main update tomorrow/next day. Thanks :)

It works

Love your work @nervisrek! Thank you! Any news on the BTC and USDT only coinpairs channel? :)