Habits are hard to break...
After my three children had been returned to my care (after my divorce....yes...I voluntarily became Mr. Mom) life was quite different...
While I was an electronics technician for an electrical utility, receiving six digits ...it was a worthless job..
The guaranteed check was nice, but I wanted more time with my children..
I became a day-trader...got pretty good at it. Didn't need the company job.
As I had liquidated the vast majority of my assets, I dove in my meager retirement to make the best of my abilities.
...that was when I became addicted! I paid off a house, three cars and had my eldest off to college.
I had become addicted to making money.. for the sake of making money.
My eldest would have made it to college without my help..
Two of the three cars I could have done without..
Anyway, I've spent the past few weeks trading crypto... Made a few SBD's, but really don't like who I'm becomming. I used to feel that "trading high" about 30 minutes before sunrise when I was a decade younger....
My older and more experienced brain doesn't do that any more.
Based on my time, sleep, food, nutrition, entertainment and peace expenditures, I've pretty much wasted 3 weeks chasing SBD's instead of listening and sharing and enjoying the people on Steemit!
Anyway, I'm back and I should have been back sooner!
There are worse habits to have but if you don't get enjoyment from it, it is probably best not in your life.
Well spoken and written. Habits are actaully very easy to cultivate but hard to break.I love that.
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