wow man, thanks for the long reply ! I'll have a look into it because tbh I haven't learned anything about Steemit yet, just been posting my stuff and messing around, mostly just looking for people to talk to lol.
btw that's another 'tell' that people are blagging it, when you say hello in a message and introduce yourself as a fellow trader, and they totally ignore you. And you know for sure they've seen the message as they've replied to the one after yours. I think they don't want to strike up a conversation because it'll blow their cover, lol.
Lol and to be honest, I really don't care whether they are or not. I think there are a lot informed people out there, and one here for sure, and a lot of the time I am a more curious of qualitative analysis anyway, lol. Great, I don't sell anything to people here on steemit, I let their free will take over after they have the evidence. I am not going anywhere, so when, or if you are ready I will be here quite a bit (God willing of course, lol).
cool, thanks !