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RE: Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?

in #trading8 years ago (edited)

Me being a trader, specifically the Forex-market, I would say it all depends on your style and acc size your working with ;)


Hey, thanks for resteeming my post. Much appreciation. Being a Forex trader, you must be loving crypto land, with its easy to read charts. The focus of my blog has been helping everyone take high high probability trades, which also (because its cryptos) have huge percentage gains.. No one realizes how spoiled we are here in cryptos, I have never traded an easier market. Thanks again for helping me reach a bigger audience.

Yes, Crypto is fun and easy in my opinion as well. We are indeed spoiled ha!
I personally just hold f0r long-term, snatching profits when the money lks right while continuing to hold on to them and simply buying more when they hit lower levels ;)
Forex/Crypto is like I say - 'POWERFUL'! Either I make some nice profits in the Forex to then put some back into crypto 0r Crypto makes me money and I use that for my f0rex-trading and elsewhere.
Love it! And it was good to meet you. I'll be looking out for more of your post. I try to keep a list of Steemit-Traders written down on paper so that I never forget ;)