
If you're looking for a pump-and-dump coin, TRX is a bad choice. It's far too early in its development. It would be like investing in Microsoft right after Bill Gates finished coding Windows, before he tried to sell it. You'd be buying hype, not product. Wait a year, then you can decide whether TRX is sketchy.

PS almost all of these coins are early in their development. Some would say Steemit is early in its development, too -- and it's a fully functional content platform!

Lol it's just a copy and paste job with a good marketing effort which a lot of investors actually think is more important than technology, personally I prefer having something unique and useful.

Don't you GET IT, it's the FUTURE wink wink

Anyone that supports digital currency over physical money like silver and gold is the enemy of humanity:

There is a thin line between the two. You need some quantum knowledge.

What exactly is that supposed to mean? Are those rap music lyrics?

Gold and silver isn't real money. Real money has value outside of the physical realms or real money is what you want it to be. Silver and Gold, even their value is a given. 1000s of years ago, Gold and Silver were useless. There are non-physical things which are more valuable than physical

Physical reality started off as non-physical. For that reason, we have manipulation of time and space.

Sorry haven't read yur article by the way. ;-)

I'm out. I am not arguing with people who are stoned out of their minds typing stuff like:

"real money has value outside of the physical realms"

"Physical reality started off as non-physical. For that reason, we have manipulation of time and space."

Sure, it's not easy to grasp complex information such as this one. To make things simple, value is speculative.

Are you kidding me? What kind of backwards logic is this. Gold and silver are the definition of real money!

You do not even understand what money is, you are a user of money not a creator. The people who created the concept of money know well that even platinum or copper can be used as real money or anything which guarantees proof of exchange.

Money is a means of exchange. Nothing more.

I got in TRX at 0.03. Watched it ride all the way up.......and allllll the way back down. UGH
I feel like a bag lady now. lol
I'm in other projects but TRX is around 50% of my portfolio.

Learned a valuable lesson for sure. :) I'd love for it to pump around the time of the so called coin burn so I can toss this bag and run!! I't won't be MY future @tradealert.

Ho are you a bag lady? You have twice your investment. Whzt you'be learnt is "nothing". Do you understand that you are dealing with a very volatile market? How do you expect 1000% on a project which hasn't even taken off? Quick profits, greed much? Have you seen the performance of innovztive solid projects launched 1 year ago? Have you noticed their lucrative rewards?

It's not that I expected an instant gain...I guess I'm just frustrated that I didn't play it right. I could have taken some profits at the .20 price or so and tossed some into other projects I like.
I expected a correction after the hype but as it's sitting here doing nothing like most coins...I'm hesitant to do anything right now except wait for a small pump.

Hmm fair enough. I'd give Tron 3 months before selling off.

Seems to me like you're still in profit @tinylayla ;), why not hedging some of that into a bigger cap currency like ETH or Bitcoin?

I have small positions in both...and probably should have went heavier with ETH. Maybe sitting tight and waiting for all of the inactivity and FUD to blow over is best? I got spoiled by the run ups in NOV-DEC. lol :)

I appreciate your comments @viraldrome