Ivan Patchko: Good evening everyone!
My name is Ivan and I am from Tradingene.
Our ICO starts in a few days (16/05), so today we are launching new QA-session with our dearest and nearest — members of Tradingene community to provide you with all details, up-to-date.
We will have Q&A-session now during 45–50 minutes and you can ask all your questions about the project and upcoming ICO.
Here online with us Sergey Kuzmin @s_kuzmin — COO & Co-founder, Roman Burtsev @RomanBurtsev — Business Development & Co-founder, Ilona Ovsepyan @@i_lona — CAO.
Also with us today — Ruslan Mikhailov, Head of Tradingene Market Research and Trading @ruslanmikhailov
So let`s start!
Q1: First of all, I am very impressed about the product, the vision and the team. My questions:
The White_Paper states ICO hard cap as 12M, and it outlines clear allocations and budget plans. But I read about 24M in the media. What is the truth?
Ilona Ovsepyan: very good question
Ivan Patchko: Actually this user has 3 of them — all connected with Tradingene future and plans)
Sergey Kuzmin: We have also decided to lower our hard cap. After studying and reworking our business plan, we believe that we can reach the milestones on our road map with less money. Many investors and syndicates have indicated that they will be more comfortable with a smaller cap; we listened. As a result, we are now limiting our tokensale to $12 million.
Q2: How many TNGs will ever exist? Will there be more produced in the future?
Ruslan Mikhailov: Emission is in real time. Maximum will be 22 000 000 tokens. Tokens will be issued rateable with the funds invested in the ICO process. The TNG booking is in real time. And emission — after ICO ends. No tokens will be burned.
Q: You seem to be a mature and professional team, great communication about the product, but my impression: the basic token economy is not communicated clear enough (see Q1 and Q2). How do you see this feedback? Thank you in advance!
Q: How does Tradingene plan to regulate the creation of algorithms/bots, and block the sales of fake/bad bots?
Ivan Patchko: Then let’s address it to our colleagues.
@s_kuzmin and Co, please provide with details about how algorithms are tested before adding to the platform.
Roman Burtsev: First of all, Tradingene doesn’t sale bots / strategies. We allow their usage. Selling a trading algorithm will do the same to strategy that mp3 did to music. Algorithm creators will earn money only if investors earn money. In this sense it’ll be meaningless for creators to provide us with bad algorithms. Beside, Tradingene also has an inner procedure that is used to evaluate algorithms. This procedure includes several mechanisms, such as out-of-sample testing, walk forward analysis, stress testing, monte carlo simulation etc. in order to filter trading algorithms.
Q: When the TNG tokens are emitted after end of ICO, what do you think can make the token value appreciate? We don’t want people to sell early. Will trading be allowed immediately ?
Sergey Kuzmin: Token economics in our case is quite interesting. We use tokens as a guarantee future success fee payment to developer. When you transmit signals, you cannot withdraw money from investors account to take your success fee. As a result the only way to guarantee success fee payment is to make deposit in TNG tokens on the platform. This will create both a demand for tokens and their shortage (due to deposits holding).
Ruslan Mikhailov: Trading will be allowed at July 1. So the tokens can be spent once they are issued.
Q: Unfortunately some people who can’t hold will sell early. I don’t like that. We are in a bearish market, I wish there is a way to enforce to hold for some months before trading on exchange.
Sergey Kuzmin:
I’m afraid there will be people who sell tokens of any project. Right now I can only state that in our case ICO investors we’ve seen so far strongly coincide with future platform users. Beside, there will be lock up period for all big investors
Q: When you will start ICO your coins will be tradable in Waves platform?
Ruslan Mikhailov: July 1
Q: Hi to everyone! Can’t help but wonder about, perhaps, the most notable ICO during these months — Simdaq. Who are you for each other? Partners or competitors?
Ivan Patchko: Steve, thank you for the question, its a really strong issue
Roman Burtsev: Yes. We will be trading also on Waves exchanges.
Using the Waves platform for both token issuance and smart contracts, trading algorithms can be sold as an investment product, providing profitable tools for investing in cryptocurrency and other assets.
We strongly believe this will form the basis for a large community of both algorithm creators and investors, all benefiting from the growth in the use of trading algorithms as an investment product
Ruslan Mikhailov: Simdaq is our partners mostly. Simdaq simulates trading and prepares traders. We give traders an opportunity to attract money for their strategies. That is a good synergy. They educate, we help to work
Ivan Patchko: Ok Ruslan, many thanks!
Sergey Kuzmin: Symdaq also plans to trade, in this regard Tradingene can act as algorithms provider for it. Tradingene does not plan to trade as a legal entity, so we do not need any licensing and we do not have any competitive influence to Symdaq. One of the long term objectives by Symdaq is to make a marketplace for algorithms in the far future. At the present there are no exact details of its structure available, just a reference that they plan to sell algorithms. Tradingene does not give a possibility to buy/sell algorithms, just to connect to its signals. And these are two essentially different approaches.
Q: I want to invest more but my balance locked in Simdaq project with high lose. I am waiting for last day to invest with switching my investment to your project.
Ivan Patchko: So it`s time to once again remind community about all our bonuses. Including the first day bonus.
Ruslan Mikhailov: Simdaq indeed had some trouble times. We hope soon our cooperative activity will also rebound Simdaq price, so hope both your investments will be successfull :)
Q: Hello! I will write my questions in English so other’s could understand. So, where the trading is going on? In my account or not?
Ivan Patchko: Good question about platform` basics, Thank you
Roman Burtsev: All trading transactions are made on your account. Creators don’t have access to investors accounts.
Q: What gives me VIP status?
Sergey Kuzmin: VIP account gives you discount for most platform services.
Ruslan Mikhailov: If you plan to use platform in future, then I’d strongly recommend considering VIP status and other benefits from ICO investment.
Ivan Patchko: Also it`s important to add that the VIP status cuts your payments to the Platform by half. As well it allows you to participate in auctions free of charge. We recommend you to periodically recalculate economic benefits of the VIP status with respect to the amount of money invested in the algorithms and the cost of a token.
Q: I found the project by looking deep into the icobench listing. I didn’t find ICO reviews about it on youtube. Did you, or do you plan to reach out to youtube influencers? This project would deserve more hype!
Sergey Kuzmin: We have many of them. See for example these videos:
Q: How much token are you giving away for airdrop.
Ivan Patchko: We have at least 10.000 TNG tokens destined to Tradingene Airdrop in Telegram. Two waves of airdrop by 5.000 tokens each. For more details see: https://medium.com/@tradingene/5-000-tng-tokens-destined-to-tradingene-airdrop-33f3f08ff483
Q: Where you can exchange the token?
Roman Burtsev: Our token will be listed on Waves exchenges from the very beginning. We also have negotiations with three Korean exchanges and two tier 1 exchanges.
Q: What is the total supply of this project?
Ivan Patchko: We remind you that we have another communication tool for all our investors and partners — Live Trading Show. It`s our own event where you can try to beat a trading algorithm in an interactive trading game, watch interesting interviews and discover what it means to create a trading algorithm, where our team will program a trading algorithm right on a stage https://roadshow.tradingene.io/
Roman Burtsev: Maximum will be 22 000 000 tokens. Tokens will be issued rateable with the funds invested in the ICO process.
Ivan Patchko: Thanks, Roman! Our time is almost over. So lets ask and answer last questions.
But you all know, we are all available and online. If you have any questions you can ask us!
ICO website: tradingene.io
Platform: tradingene.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tradingene
Twitter: twitter.com/tradingene
Medium: medium.com/@tradingene
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2535213.msg25850760#msg25850760
Reddit: reddit.com/user/tradingene/
Sergey Kuzmin: We are available 24/7))
Q: Will it be possible to earn purely on tokens, buy on ICO, and then sell, not be an investor or a creator?
Roman Burtsev: TNG token will be listed on exchanges. As any instrument that is listed on exchange there is always a possibility to buy it low and sell it high. However, Tradingene cannot guarantee any results from such speculative nature. Price fluctuates because of people emotions and hype around the project. And these factors are out of our control. What we can guarantee is that we will try our best in order to create best trading platform which you can find out there.
Ivan Patchko: Thanks, Roman. So this is it for now.
Any additional questions you can always ask in this chat or in any of our communities.
Well done! Thank you everybody! It was a great to have a chat with you this evening! Will be in touch!
We will definitely repeat our session soon
Dear friends, when you will start to post fresh news???