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RE: The Dirty Secret about Udemy

in #training6 years ago

I am a master student in Kings College London studying digital culture and society, I am currently doing my dissertation study on the blockchain-based social media by using Steemit as case study. Would you please spare 10 minutes and accept my interview, it could be anonymous. If you are convenient, would you please contact me via [email protected]. Sorry to interrupt, many thanks.


no sorry I can alreayd tell by teh way you puyt an email there that when he sees this hes gonna just tell you that hes way too busy,

you need to just come onto the discord and catch him as a regular person and just ask him questions casually and when ur done just ask him if you can use the answers for ur school report and make it as easy for @themarkymark as possible BUT dont go out there posting emails expecting him to take time out of HIS busy schedual just to EMAIL you to then do some who knows how mny hour long Interview for FREE just to help soem random guy who is ONLY gonna make OTHER peopel wnat to ask for FREE interviews, so mayb3e if you wanna PAY him the same amount of moneyt he could earn spending his OWN time on his OWN projects,m maybe then it could be worth his time but i dunno man,,

maybe im wrong

maybe he will be happy to do it but i mean, if it wa sme, i feel likle youre going about this just a very annoying way because imagine just imagine if 10 of you asked for this favoir from him and then 100 more peopel saw that this steem power user gives interviews, and now hes gonna be spammed by peopel all asking for interviews man , u see how when he gioves one that it just attracts mor epeopel thinking they can get more and more? HEY maybe he WANTS that sort of publicity, maybe he WANTS to doa bunch of free woprk for random sttrangers :D i just really doubt it!

this ihas nOTHING to do with mark or you in my head, i just see this sort oif request made of one thing or another from witnesses whales or power users and i just wonder why you believe he owes this to you and why do you think he would wnat to CONTACT some stranger?!?!?!? soudn sjust liek so much work!!!

sorry but UNLESS he simply contacts you JUST to spite me and prove me wrong, whichi doubt, tyhen he will probobly NOT be contacting you... hey theers a small chance im wrong and he has nothing better to do than to set himself up an hur or two long university interview for some stranger online without getting paid but hey man, i dunno, i jut dont see that as an attractive option for him or any witness or whale or power user on steemliek markymark thsi appliesto everyone not just him

sporry if that message spounded a lil personal
but i just wante dtoi give advice, which is to catch hiom when he pops in on the steemspeak discord which is popular with alot of steemians, and yes ive talked to him there, and just casuyually ask these questions and just half way thru just ask if u can wriote down his responses, make it clear u dont intend to record, and also make sur ehe knwos it can be anon, just be ausre you really make it as eays a spossible for any whale or power user or whoever itr is

just amke it easy for peopel to get what u wnat from them

in all honestly he may LOVE to be interviewed AT THE RIGHT TIME

one dya on steemspeak he may be holding a glass of wine or beer and t might be a sunny day bne might have all hsi work done and it mightbe a nice time to just sit back aned talk about all of whta hes done on steem so far, but i just think u gotta feel teh waters out bro

u gotta just go ahead and do it and start asking questions when u se ehim there bnuit keep it normal and dont put himn on the spoit hjust adsk like casually and if he seems liek hes not in teh mood for bein interviwed hhell let you know but if he sounds cool with it just tell himu wanna write down his responses for uyr interview and i bet he wouldnt mined if it wanst anonymous especialy if ur just doin a university report for ur masters program. I think he has respoect for peopel who put work into school like that and it should always be fun to write PAPERS about STEEM for fucks sake hahaha that actually soudns liea dream come true i know @aggroed was a Professor or thats whatr He said i believe at least he did, as far as i rememebr, in the last steem monsters chat, so its cool to think about steem being run by profesors who end up givingus essays etc, i just lobve it, i love teh idea of getting PAID when you get good grades, or imagine the students in a class who get the top grades on the most tests get to have power over what the lcass studies for the last few week sof the semetser etc or maybe they get to make decisions on what the essay promot will be about, i seriously see a huge potential for students to take over many duties of the teacher and begin to teach thgemselves JUSt like how reddit users submit all the content anmd reddit doienst pay anyone t produce any content etc