Train With Jane | 2 Good Reasons Why You Aren't Losing The Weight!!

in #trainwithjane7 years ago

I have wanted to do this video for quite a while now! These two reasons are the reasons why I didn’t lose weight and when I changed those two things is when I magically started seeing results! Weight loss is stubborn, it is HARD, it takes a lot of your time and effort. So, I understand the frustration when you aren’t seeing the results after you feel like you have been putting time and energy into it. I wanted to spread the word, these two things are SO SIMPLE yet so difficult to understand.

1. You are’t being active enough

Go out for walk, do half an hour of cardio, clean your house, mow the lawn, take a bike instead of your car, take the stairs! Be more conscious of the fact that you have to MOVE in order to lose weight - the more you move the more you burn! Going to the gym and then sitting for the rest of the day just isn’t going to cut it. Thats as simple as I can put it for you!

2. You aren’t giving it enough time

In order to see results you’re going to have to give it 8-12 weeks, results don’t come easy. Most people want fast results and thats just not the case with weight loss. Most people give up right before they see results, just push through the begging and the results will become addicting. I’m not kidding! (That rhymes)

And thats all I have for you guys today! If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear your experiences with weight loss :)

Your Trainer,
Jane 💛

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This is practical yet powerful advice. I agree being constantly active and it's the little things like that that'll add up. Consistency is key as well, results take time. Persistence and patience are key to a great physique!

Thank you!

I'm amazed at how much better I am with my eating habits simply by writing down the foods. A food journal or tracking app helps so much for me just in awareness. Perhaps you've heard the quote, "you can't outwork a bad diet". That being said, any extra I can burn with exercise is a win if I'm on my diet game!

Yesss this has definitely been a game changer.. I use an app called lose it! and I have been much better with my diet and has rapidly increased my weight loss! :) This is definitely going to be in one of my upcoming videos!!

Drinking lots of water is essential and I know it has been a game changer. I will watch for you tips and follow you. I go to the gym you do every other day for 45. I haven't changed by eating habits significantly though. I do know enough about how to eat right from being on Weight Watchers many years ago. I just haven't put that back in place. On a significant effort in the past 12 weeks, I've lost 10 pounds but I think I broke even a little in gaining muscle mass. My arms, chest, neck and back are actually showing muscles. My girlfriend is actually impressed.

Exercise in itself can become like a drug in the sense that it can give you a good feeling, but results in a positive outcome, rather than deteriorating you. This is great for the body and soul.

I would say drinking enough water, because drinking too much water can also cause inflammation haha theres no winning here is there. But thank you for watching and following me! Congrats on the 10 pounds thats awesome for someone who hasn't changed their eating habits!

Combining exercises with a balanced diet works wonders for our body and organism. I am a fan of exercises, I loved your post. I congratulate you.

I invite you to visit my profile, I would love to have your support .. Thank you.

Thanks so much and of course I would check out your page ❤️

I haven't been active. I've been a very very bad boy.

i have tried alot of thing to loose weight but it didn't work...only drinking warm water helps me in reducing weight

I manage to lose weight when i'm in Korea because of what's eaten and how active I have to be here. The advice is super basic but a lot of people think they gotta do things like crossfit and such just to lose that belly fat!

Good on you for being truthful!

Also, what's the name of the font you use for your covers?

Missing a huge one here. I would say most important is what you consume. What you put in your body is more than anything. You can work out for 3 to 4 hours, but if you are eating junk food along with that, you will be running in circles.

Of course it is important whats you consume. However this video is about doing everything that we were taught to lose weight such as exercise and clean eating and you are still not losing weight. I definitely agree that what you put in your body is most important.

I see your point.

aww awesome workout! Btw mentioned your dlive video in my latest post with @stevenalexander. Thought you might enjoy it. hehe!

Hey Jane,
great Article. Youre really breaking it down to the most important things :)
I tried doing the same Thing on a Science Based Way in my Selfexperiment here on Steemit!

I would really love to know what you are thinking of it, as I find your Blog here really valueable and beautiful written :)

All the best from Germany,