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RE: Coming Out

Welcome to steemit! I am a fellow transwomen and I'm run the LGBT party, that is focused on changing how LGBT is represented on this social media. Since this place is stake based the bigoted ancaps and fascists can only be combated by working together, as they often have more power than us individually.

That is a link to our discord if that interests you!


Being divisive isn't gonna work out the way you seem to think. I've thus far refrained from taking your bait, including on our Discord server, but ... if socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialists.

Socialism cannot exist without a strong central government. Therefore, anarcho-socialism is an oxymoron.

"Americans are so enamored with equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom." - Alexis de Tocqueville

Everyone's a socialist until it's time to do socialist stuff. Imagine your local supermarket is like your nearest DMV. Now imagine every business you visit is like that, and you only have one "choice" for any particular product.

Capitalism does not claim to be perfect. It merely claims to provide the greatest opportunity for upward financial mobility. And decades of economic data supports that claim. Socialism, on the other hand, has the blood of 100 million corpses on its hands in the 20th century alone. As long as everyone is equal, it's fine that they're equally waiting in line for hours to buy milk that is expensive and sour. Except Marx figured he would be part of the ruling class, in a classless society, failing to see the contradiction. Would-be tyrants never do. You're fine with socialism as long as it's not applied to you.

You should recognize that starting another LGBT+ group on here is competition, and you're free to do so. In fact, I welcome it. It's healthy for markets and for communities. Good luck with it. Understand that in your utopia, that competition would be stifled by men with guns acting on behalf of a central authority.

I do not claim a right to coerce you to do anything. That is the fundamental philosophy of anarcho-capitalism. What percentage of your income am I entitled to? Oh, zero? Then what percentage of my income are you entitled to? 100%? Sure, that's what I thought. But that's where your fantasy leads - slavery for all. You can claim that the Soviet Union wasn't "real" socialism, except yes it was. You can believe otherwise if you like, but you'll be wrong. The useful idiots claiming to be anarchists but who serve a fascist agenda are no less full of shit, but they are not anarchists.

The issue is choice. You and your community may choose to operate under socialism. You're free to do so, whether or not I think you're short-sighted and self-destructive. You are not free to impose that upon my community which has chosen another path. That's where your ideal dissolves into tyranny, and mine rises to liberty. Because I don't claim the right to affect your choices, even your bad ones, as long as they are not interfering with anyone else's freedom to make their own choices.

@maryembo I apologize for doing this on your post.