I thought that transhuman meant
transcending the biology of the human body.
Augmentation perhaps or total replacement.
As well as possible mental modifications.
I wouldn't think it necessarily had any philosophical constraints.
Break new Ground!
Back when Max More was co-author of the paper pamplet that was mailed out a few times they inferred that Extropian (Transhuman?) ethics, philosophy and morality could be summed up in one word.
C all O ff Y our O ld T ired E thics.
That was my interpretation.
I was a member of the Extropian mail list for a long time.
That interpretation was reinforced.
Transhumanism brings MORE choices...not less.
or it could.
Unless the thought Police have hijacked the movement.

Hiya. It might seem like transhumanism is all to do with transcending the biological human body. After all, that is what seem to be implied by transhuman. But if you think about it, the concept really means more than this. A transhuman may be someone who, for example, wants to see robots become recognised as sentient beings in their own right. They have no human body to transcend, but they do have prejudices that have to be overcome if they are to develop their full potential. So, really, my definition of transhumanism as 'seeking to remove barriers to an idealised self/lifestyle' is more encompassing of what transhumanists strive to achieve.
And I hope my post was not too judgemental:)