So we plunge ourselves deep into the fear, the yolk of our being now encrusted.
Oh how we fold ourselves, getting smaller, minimised, unintelligible, fearful.
This is not who we were nor what will stay,
These clothes will come away like the sun.
If ever we peered into the deepest abyss,
From ourselves we may not run.
Emotions wicked away, building deluded minds,
Bodies growing weary under weight.
This oppression shall burst in wonderment and gusto,
We will clean our armour to gleam and not ever for the last time.
Each of us can be the sunlight,
Each of us can be the moonlit sea.
So far extrapolated from the wisdom within, yet so capable of the freedom we seek.
Love will bind us to become invincible,
We are soldiers of our minds.
Never forget why you were born,
This knowledge preserves your life.
Sunrise, sunset.
Day becomes night.
Just as there's negative and positive,
There's always incentive to fight.
Will you?
New beginning, New endings, New challenges.
Live to surpass, live to smile.

Well, I guess it depends on the fight. If someone asks me to pick up a gun and go kill others in a stupid war, I'll refuse.
Walls of Jericho - Fight The Good Fight
In my view, as i've had to fight for my life and identity for most of my existence, advocating for your souls potential and fulfilment to be seen and authentically recognised without the delusion of stigma controlling the line of thought is an admirable path to pursue. We all hold beliefs in which we have sacrificed physical connections and emotional bonds for, the challenge is knowing when to fight and when to retreat. If you achieve this balance well, both within and around you, you're living substantially and well, and such nobility should be commended.