We all go through transitions in life, don't we?
When we think of transitions, often we think of moving out on our own for the first time. Perhaps going to college or maybe getting our first job; that first time we board a bus as a kid.

Transitions can either be pleasant experiences, such as getting married or terrible ones...like getting divorced.
No matter who you are, you will go through a transition at some point. It is part of the human experience. Too often, I met people who are anxious about these transitional experiences or in denial that these transitions will happen to them.
It comes as a big shock to the deniers when their transitions do occur.
Whether a transition is exciting and expected or harrowing and unexpected, it pays to be prepared with a transitional mindset.
A transitional mindset is one that is honed through learning from previous adversity and building upon it. Creating a resilient psyche. Previously, I have written about some simple exercises which will build your psychological resilience muscles.

Our society is changing rapidly. Due to technological advances and global movement patterns, people are facing challenges that they've never had to face before.
Granted, most of us don't have to face some of the previous challenges of our ancestors: complete genocide and horrific plagues. However, the economic and societal landscape is constantly changing everywhere.
Jobs which were once considered "safe" from outsourcing or being replaced by freelancers and automation are no longer so.
Someone with a transitional mindset recognizes this issue and doubles down on being fluid and open to constant learning due to this type of change.
Someone with a transitional mindset learns to be both efficient in their daily work while being mindful at the same time (hint: commit to a daily meditative practice to work on this issue).
Someone with a transitional mindset embraces the constant little challenges in life, knowing it will make them stronger in the end.

In this new year, I wish you the best but also ask you to develop a transitional mindset - don't allow yourself to be undone by an unexpected transition.

Let's not get too comfortable in our comfort zones.
Note to self.
110% correct. Change is good - we should embrace and accept it!