Translate Everything 🌎
EOS Translation Foundation Mission:
Increase the bandwidth between the various language speaking groups within the EOS and greater EOSIO communities.
Team Purpose is as follows:
- Use/test/explore the Fractally platform as a way of organizing the team. (It is not sponsored by fractally.)
- This group will help us stay organized, and it will help us explore how fractally works to support that.
- This team will contribute to the larger mission which is to: Increase the bandwidth between the various language speaking groups within the EOS and greater EOSIO communities.
- To explore our otherwise unseen value. Fractally is designed to solve for realizing individual value, and rewarding it.
Oscar Gonzalez - @gonflosca -
Douglas Wu - @drwu
Mark Scheer - @hachtu -
Shakhruz Ashirov - @shakhruz -
Exciting times we live in... I am glad to be able to provide some value in breaking the language barrier!