
fly helicopters :) i fight the forest fires here

Nice man, how did you get into that job?

actually got it thru a friend that i met in Saudi Arabia when i was flying medivac choppers..the heli business is a pretty small community believe it or not :) i'm 46 been flying since i was 19 so i've been around the block a couple of times hahaha actually been around the world 31 times

What is a medivac chopper? Why did you start so young!!!

medivac get called out for mainly car accidents take the injured to the hospital but i was in mecca for the stampede a couple years ago over 1000 died was also in riyadh when a tanker truck exploded not sure how many people died there :(..younger the better always knew i wanted to fly choppers so i did :)

How do you know where to be at the right time?

bystanders call or police and we get dispatched out pretty simple actually