@kus-knee thanks for sharing this blog
I have a cooler story of a recovered early human! Ok, well it wasn't QUITE yet human, but it was getting there! It was a species that was past the early apes a bit so that it was walking upright, but not close to really looking much like us yet - they were pretty little guys still. It was an older male individual who was found next to a water source.
He had died from a horrible tooth infection that had absessed. It was obviously a VERY painful way to go... The researchers discovered just how empathetic this earlier species was from investigating this death (I wish I recalled the exact species!). They knew, based off of how bad the state of the tooth was, that he would not have been able to chew food, nor hunt or do any of the other things that are needed to help support a troop, for a long time before his death. He wasn't even able to walk upright and had an injured leg that healed badly.
If we see something like this happen in chimps for example, they will leave the individual and move on. But these more advanced apes, that worked as a group and depended on the participation of every member, felt so bad for this old guy (who was immobile), they stayed put with him and stopped their migration until he eventually succumbed to the infection. They chewed up his food and fed it to him, much like a mother bird would do for her chick, and tended to him for a LONG time (again, the tooth's decay was in a very, very advanced state).
He died by that water source, very much not alone, as an old fellow. I think it's so touching. As to this blog story, I wonder how they can tell that the blood on Ötzi's arrow wasn't from a much earlier fight and he simply reused his arrows?
Thanks again
Steem on!