Interesting because we have a Coney Island which didn't become this.
There's a bit of story in wikipedia:
I decided to see if Google street view has it and it's kind of cool nature place:
Came from to check this post out.,_Singapore,103.9296919,3a,90y,338.12h,95.84t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1si9btMDf-qvcQwtkfUJdGYA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
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Thanks for checking out the post @ace108 .
I guess there must be quite few Coney Islands scattered around the globe, as coney is an old-fashioned English word for rabbit.
You're welcome. I have wonder now how the A&W coney dog gets the name.
Maybe a topic for sometime.