Aceh, indonesia's westernmost province is rich in Natural tourism potential, began to shore excursions, tours of the Lake, Island tours, culinary tours and many more that you can find in Aceh. One of the hidden paradise in Aceh that deserves You make the destination a tourist destination is Waterfall Blang Kolam.
Waterfall Blang Kolam high enough, has an altitude of about 75 metres. This beautiful waterfall, looks beautiful and natural because around him under the lush trees and have a dense enough forest. Not to mention when you journey to the falls, you will be suguhi by the sights and atmosphere of a rural and soothing the eyes when looking at him.
Each weekend dozens of people visiting these attractions. When they arrived there, the obligatory visitors down the 99 steps that dull without the paint before you finally found the beauty of waterfalls Blang Kolam.
After weary time down the stairs, you will be greeted as the falling water splash direct heals all tired in the Agency. At the top of the waterfall, it would seem a puddle which seems to fit inside a giant saucer.
The facilities provided in the waterfall is also quite comprehensive. You can find a small mosque or toilet in this place. Well, if you need a steady flow of electricity to charge camera or mobile phone, don't worry. Because there is already a flow of electricity that can be use to make your holidays with friends or family is more convenient and fun.
Around the waterfall Blang Kolam, you can also find food and beverage on site, so you need not worry if the hunger bothering your vacations in this place. Security is also pretty awake at this place. In addition to parking lots that are already in the vicinity, well keep the waterfalls also exist also Gru.
If there is a thing that is not in the desire, them with ready and attentive staff will help you to be able to prevent. Just imagine, a waterfall with a cheap cost of this vibrant, you've got good facilities and safe.
Well, to enliven your holidays, you can even hold event refresing grilling fish or chicken together with your colleagues. As long as you bring your own equipment. In harapakan do not litter. It's a pity if this was as pretty as tourist attractions to be impressed is dirty because of lack of awareness of tourists.