Good night all of my friends steemit!!!
The long journey is tiring but able to make our minds clear to get new words to write something new so that I can create new things through the way that I feel. In the journey we can see the beauty of nature is very extraordinary so I am inspired to new things from various kinds of form among others about the vocabulary that I really need. In the journey I also will not be alone but surely assisted by friends who arms to reach a desire that has been in mau.hidup definitely need others by Therefore life will not be possible alone anywhere and anytime. All trips must be in barengi by a true friend.

Fixed the motor before departing because this trip to west aceh Meulaboh we departed from east aceh so I have to service the motor, and also replace the oil to keep the motor to stay safe when walking away
Finally after my motor services we finally left at 9:30 also with the state of the vehicle that has been very stable hopefully until the goal and no obstacles.
Beautiful nature that makes my mind clear and calm

This is the picture this afternoon because we do not directly step on the gas to Meulaboh aceh west but we headed to aceh Central first visit my friend
And finally tonight We can not continue our journey again and we stay at a friend's house to rest and prepare for tomorrow to the west aceh (Meulaboh) destination.
Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you like it and wait for me tomorrow in the next post because I will rest for the trip tomorrow to the destination
All the above pictures I took with the camera xiaomi redmi not 3 by @ajibsingh. Do not forget to upvote, resteem and comments and also followme @ajibsingh
Kaleuh ku vote beh🤓🤓
Yes that right I was to receive