in #travel8 years ago (edited)

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A distinction that is dubious The black rhino (diceros bicornis) is considered the most endangered large mammal in Africa. Abundant in sub-Saharan regions until recently, it is alarmingly close to disappearing altogether. The reason why is primary this has been poaching, for rhino horn is highly sought-after in Asia because of its identified medicinal properties. Within this solid and ancient animal's decline, then, resides a tragic irony: a feature that helped deter would-be predators for millions of years has, in an age of firearms, turn into a liability that is mortal. The rhino that is black colored smaller compared to its African cousin, the white rhino—which is also at great risk—and is distinguishable for its hooked lower lip. (Both species are very nearly identical shades of gray.) The rhino is said to be the least dangerous of Africa's so-called Big Five despite its heft. It consumes only plants, and it is extremely near-sighted. Based on the naturalist and writer Peter Matthiessen, an angered rhino “will frequently thunder past its target and keep right on going until, at some point in its course, having met with no obstacle and having forgotten what excited it to begin with, it comes down up to a ponderous halt.” This year, within the relocation effort that is largest of its kind, six black rhino had been flown from a South African conservancy to Tanzania's Serengeti National Park, where in fact the species has been hunted virtually to extinction. In just a, poachers killed one of them year. And therefore this animal, seemingly invulnerable in previous eras, struggles to survive the present one. Follow and Join the adventure New Article about a culture/country etc Everyday !