A photographic visit to the Villa Barbaro by Andrea Palladio in Maser, northern Italy - I discovered where Bojack Horseman lives!! - Discovering Italy with alequandro

in #travel6 years ago


Help!! Here it doesn't stop raining anymore!
A few days ago I was armed with a camera and umbrella I was in Maser in the province of Treviso where there is a beautiful villa designed by the architect Andrea Palladio.

The villa is named after the owner who commissioned it, the wealthy Barbaro family.


Aiuto!! Qui non smette più di piovere!
Qualche giorno fa armato della macchina fotografica e ombrello sono stato a Maser in provincia di Treviso dove c'è una bellissima villa progettata dall'architetto Andrea Palladio.

La villa prende il nome del proprietario che l'ha commissionata, la facoltosa famiglia Barbaro.


The villa was included by UNESCO in 1996 - together with the other Palladian villas of the Veneto region - in the list of the heritages of humanity.


La villa è stata inserita dall'UNESCO nel 1996 - assieme alle altre ville palladiane del Veneto - nella lista dei patrimoni dell'umanità.


Built between 1554 and 1558, the villa is a perfect example of Andrea Palladio's architectural thought.
This country house is located on a hill and dominates the surrounding landscape, in fact the owner had to control his possessions from above.

Arriving by car you will be amazed by the elegance and magnificence of the villa.

The entrance has a long avenue that leads to the main façade with majestic porticoes on the sides.


Realizzata tra il 1554 e il1558, la villa è un esempio perfetto del pensiero architettonico di Andrea Palladio.
Questa dimora di campagna è posta su una collina e domina il paesaggio circostante, infatti il proprietario doveva controllare i suoi possedimenti dall'alto.

Già arrivando in auto si rimane sbalorditi dall'eleganza e magnificenza della villa.

L'ingresso ha un viale lunghissimo che porta lo sguardo verso la facciata principale con i portici maestosi ai lati.


It was raining so much, but I wasn't alone in the rain...


Pioveva davvero tanto, ma non ero solo sotto la pioggia...


The main axis of the Villa continues with the entrance beyond the road and cuts through the fields in a stone path.


L'asse principale della Villa prosegue con l'ingresso oltre la viabilità e taglia fra i campi in un sentiero di sassi.


After parking the car I followed the directions of a sign perfectly inserted in a hedge...


Dopo aver parcheggiato la macchina ho seguito le indicazioni di un cartello perfettamente inserito in una siepe...



After a few steps, I walk under the majestic portico to check the wet camera.

I was forced to hold the umbrella with one hand and photograph with the other!


Dopo pochi passi mi dirigo sotto il maestoso portico per controllare la macchina fotografica tutta bagnata.

Ero costretto a tenere con una mano l'ombrello e con l'altra fotografare!


Protected by the porch, I could already appreciate one of the villa's Italian gardens, with the typical boxwood hedge and citrus fruits at the corners.


Protetto dal portico potevo già apprezzare uno dei giardini all'italiana della villa, con la tipica siepe di bosso e gli agrumi agli angoli.


I turn to my left and right next to the villa there is a building with a really rustic and striking facade, I'll look at it more calmly later!


Mi volto alla mia sinistra e proprio a fianco alla villa c'è un edificio con una facciata davvero rustica e d'impatto, la guarderò con più calma successivamente!


Here is the view from the porch of the villa.
The day was rainy but I was not unhappy.
When it rains there are few tourists, there is less noise, sunlight does not tire the eyes and the smell of the air is pleasant.


Ecco la vista che c'è dal portico della villa.
La giornata era piovosa ma non ero scontento.
Quando piove ci sono pochi turisti, c'è meno rumore, la luce del sole non affatica gli occhi e l'odore dell'aria è piacevole.




I wanted to take a picture of the front of the villa so I faced the rain and here it is...


Volevo fare una foto del fronte della villa così ho affrontato la pioggia ed eccola...



The central body recalls the classical architecture of the Greek temple with the four Ionic semi-columns that support the entablature and a tympanum loaded with stucco decorations.


Il corpo centrale ricorda l'architettura classica del tempio greco con le quattro semicolonne ioniche che sorreggono la trabeazione e un timpano carico di decorazion in stucco.



The agricultural wings are flanked by two slightly advanced dovecotes: above the three arches, far more spaced than the previous ones, two sundials stand out: the one to the west marks the time and the beginning of the seasons, the east is a zodiacal calendar and indicates monthly the date of entry of the Sun into the corresponding sign of the Zodiac.


Le ali agricole sono affiancate da due colombaie, leggermente avanzate: sopra le tre arcate, ben più distanziate rispetto alle precedenti, giganteggiano due meridiane: quella a ovest segna l'ora e l'inizio delle stagioni, quella est è un calendario zodiacale e indica mensilmente la data d'ingresso del Sole nel corrispondente segno dello Zodiaco.




One last look at the prospect before continuing the visit.


Un ultimo sgardo al prospetto, prima di proseguire la visita.



Here is the rustic facade that I had anticipated you!
It is a jewel! The plants perfectly decorate the facade.


Eccola la facciata rustica che vi avevo anticipato!
E' un gioiello! Le piante decorano perfettamente la facciata


Roses and bignonie give it a fairytale look.


Rose e bignonie le donano un aspetto fiabesco.


Leaving the property of the villa there is a sign indicating the way for an exhibition of antique carriages.
Regardless of the rain I go to explore!


Uscendo dalla proprietà della villa c'è un cartello che indica la strada per un esposizione di carrozze antiche.
Incurante della pioggia vado ad esplorare!


The road was full of mud, I risked falling, but I continued, I do it for you!! :D


La strada era colma di fango, rischiavo di cadere, ma ho continuato, lo faccio per voi!! :D



I arrive at the top of a small hill and the landscape opens onto a meadow and some agricultural buildings.


Arrivo in cima a un piccola collina e il paesaggio si apre su prato e alcuni edifici agricoli.


All around is cultivated, in these areas delicious wines are produced and exported all over the world.

Have you ever tasted prosecco ??


L'intorno è tutto coltivato, in queste zone vengono prodotti vini buonissimi che vengono esportati in tutto il mondo.

Avete mai assaggiato il prosecco??


I walk around a building and am surprised by a vintage lantern placed at the corner of the building.
It would be nice to see it lit by a little flame at twilight !!


Giro attorno ad un edificio e rimango sorpreso da una lanterna d'epoca posta ad angolo dell'edificio.
Sarebbe bello vederla illuminata da una fiammella, al crepuscolo!!


The building is closed but I see a very particular detail, I approach to see better...


L'edificio è chiuso ma scorgo un dettaglio molto particolare, mi avvicino per vedere meglio...


At first I thought that here was the villa's stable but then I understood !! Here lives the famous BoJack Horseman!! :D


All'inizio pensavo che qui ci fosse la scuderia della villa ma poi ho capito!! Qui abita il famoso BoJack Horseman!! :D


Jokes aside, this area is usually open and here you can see old carriages.

There are many and they are really interesting!


A parte gli scherzi, questa area solitamente è aperta e qui si possono ammirare antiche carrozze.

C'è ne sono molte e sono davvero interessanti!


I go to the windows to take some pictures...


Mi avvicino alle finestre per scattare qualche foto...


The last look and I think... it would be nice one day a year to see them pulled by horses, as happened at the time.


L'ultimo sguardo e penso...sarebbe bello un giorno all'anno vederle sfilare trainate da cavalli, come accadeva all'epoca.


It is also strange the feeling I had ... the feeling of nostalgia of a past that I have never seen...


E' anche strana la sensazione che ho avuto...la sensazione di nostalgia di un passato che non ho mai visto...


Anytime I see something from Italy I think WOW, this is so beautiful. There is something about the old Italian architecture that makes me WOW every time :) This building is very nice and I understand that it's included in the UNESCO list. Oh, and I also like to visit places when the weather is not that good as you avoid many tourists and can take some nice photos :)

A friend of mine lives in Tuscany and he was telling me that there is a lot of rain this year. I like that as there will be many delicious Italian veggies and fruits available in Switzerland soon :)

Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your curie vote!

You're right, even though I'm Italian, I'm always surprised by how many interesting things there are to see.

Italy has an indecipherable cultural heritage ... the difficulty is to maintain this heritage.

Only in the province where I live there are so many things to see that a life would not be enough ... museums, castles, monumental parks, natural oases, churches and villas ... and then Italian cuisine ...: D

Even Tuscany is really beautiful, you should come here to taste our traditional recipes :)

Thanks for the comment !! Have a nice day!

The place was amazing my friend. You make a good presentation of it by showcasing your skills in photography as well. You made it like vintage and I really like it. After all, the place was centuries old and I think it just fits. While looking at it, I am reminded of the movie, The Godfather, especially when they shot the scenes in Italy. I believe it is not there but somewhere in Sicily. Correct me if I am wrong. It just a good association since the design of the structures are not far different. These palaces are remarkable, symbolizing the wealth and power of aristocrats from those times. I imagined what it is like living in such as this with your loved ones.

Anyway, I congratulate you for this wonderful post. I am sure many like it and inspires them to acknowledge their country's wonderful structures and places as well. Good job my friend. Cheers!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
The similarity with some architectures of the film the godfather, there are even if small ... for example the Massimo theater in Palermo that has a hexastyle colonnade with grooves and Corinthian heads ... it is a neoclassical building instead Palladio is an architect who has worked just after the renaissance.

However, both buildings are inspired by Greek and Roman architecture.

Thanks for the comment again

Sorry it was raining but you still got to see so much and take some great photographs. It still looks fantastic even with the terrible weather.It is like stepping back in time when you visit these places.

Thank you for the comment, here in Italy it doesn't stop raining any more ... I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I think I will take more pictures with the rain very soon :) I wish you a good Sunday

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Damn!! It was indeed a complete tour, I was literally lost during reading, admiring every detail of this post I would like to start with the amazing watermark you have on your picture, hard to find. also I am studying architecture and whenever I see such stuff I automatically gets attracted to it.
I am a fan of Greek architecture . I loved the way you focused on details those lamp and horse .
I am following you now onwards so that I may get daily dose of such informative post.

Thanks what a nice comment!
I'm glad you enjoyed the post. It is a bit challenging to do it, however, when I receive comments like yours, I am satisfied! ;)

Yes, I prefer that the watermark is not too big ... I don't want it to be noticed first.

If this weekend there will be the sun I already plan to go and see a really interesting place ... for now I can't anticipate anything! :D
Thank you for the follow :)

I was appreciating the watermark because it looks classy! I hate big noticeable watermarks. and hope that your plan becomes successful. do post the pictures. will be looking forward.

I'm glad you noticed, you're not the only one who appreciated my watermark :)

Wow! Such a neat place to explore! Even in the rain... and mud... very nice post!

Thanks, it was an interesting visit but I can't wait for the sun to come back!! :D

I enjoyed all these photos. Incredible.

I'm glad you enjoyed them! If the weather improves, I will go to an incredible place this weekend ... a fantastic post will come out!

Hi alequandro,

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It's always a great day when I see your comment under one of my posts! :D

What I enjoy most about this type of post is that I move to the place I am looking at. the photographs are well made. I liked the first ones with the effect of water on the lens. and where the vegetation climbs up the walls, just beautiful

I'm glad you like how I developed the post, it's my style of telling what I do.
Yes the first photo is suggestive with the water on the glass. Thanks again!

I'm watching Linea Verde on a regular bases (Linea Blue and Linea Bianca as well) and they are visiting places like this constantly.
The rustic house is indeed a jewelry, a great vintage house decorated with roses. What can we want more? Those windows made of wooden frame are also something you can only find in the past. The park and basically all the place is wonderful. I hope I can see some myself one day. I've never been to Italy but it's number one on my list. Understanding the language makes it more easier to travel.
I'm glad I came across your post, it's wonderful, the photos are great, whatever filter you've used, it made the photos great. The one with the pouring rain on the window is fantastic. Well done!Hello @alequandro, or ciao! Mamma mia, che meraviglia! :) Looks like this is the perfect place for me. I love places like this, really, really love them and there are plenty in Italy.

Ciao!! 😜 I'm glad you enjoyed the post especially at a person like you that loves Italy! I saw Linea Verde 😅 a few hours ago

I wish you to visit Italy as soon as possible, there is much to see and taste! 😊 Ciao a presto!! 😉

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I know there's plenty to see and taste. I've been watching these shows for years and I've learned a lot. I saw one today :) Italian cousin is famous and you're lucky to have mountains, sea, all a tourist needs.
Ciao a presto!😁

che spettacolo! Ne ho viste diverse del Palladio, ma con le tue bellissime fotografie è un'altra cosa.

Grazie Armando, detto da un artista fa davvero piacere!!

Wow, you really spent a lot of time in this marvellous place. The villa and all the other buildings and garden is wonderful.
Perfect place to live.

It is worth stopping to look at all the details of the villa. The interior of the villa is beautiful one day I will make a dedicated post.
Yes, Italy is surprising, it has endless beauties to see.

The first picture and then the second picture of same view with the rain, aahhhh so pretty and dreamy.

The Italy you showed is just like the ones I see in Romantic movies. Really loved all the pictures, thank you for showing around.

Thanks, the ancient Italian buildings are real jewels that manage to evoke the richness and beauty of ancient times, they are like time machines :)

Thanks for the comment, I really appreciated it.

ciao @alequandro, è proprio bella la nostra Italia, anche sotto la pioggia! Bellissime foto della villa, sembra di esserci dentro con tutti i dettagli che hai descritto. devo ammettere che non l'ho vista, ci siamo fermati alle ville della riviera del brenta! Bravo

Ciao!! Puoi ben dirlo, siamo fortunati ad essere italiani.
Sono contento che il post ti sia piaciuto :)
Anche sulla riviera del Brenta si sono ville bellissime.
Villa Pisani a Stra ad esempio è veramente bella...quando avrò l'occasione, farò un post :)

si, e sempre con lo zampino del Palladio!

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