What a great contest, it's just to my taste!
- Berchtesgaden National Park, The Königssee lake#
- You took the picture in Germany and the mountain is in Austria.#
- Beautiful swan.#
- Yes, currently it's my no.1 hobby. I love it and I plan to travel at least once a month.#
Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. – Ibn Battuta
- Australia and New Zealand.#
Hi Alexandra! I guess you found the right answer ... I bet on you!
Thanks!!! let's see if I was right or not!!!
I wait with great interest. My last post is about how to put multiple images on a blog. Maybe you'll need some information... I saw, sometimes you don't let a space between your photos(vertically). I don't know if you want this or don't know to place a space between.
I saw your last post, if i will have some questions, I will def ask! Folosesti discord sau steem.chat?
Nu, nu folosesc. Eu consider ca trebuie sa ne exprimam prin postarile noastre si cred ca aceste chat-uri ne pot distrage de la aceasta activitate. Este posibil sa gresesc, probabil pentru ca sunt dintr-o generatie mai veche, mai putin obisnuit cu acest mod de comunicare.