Heart heavy with sadness, I have bid the cabin farewell and embarked upon the grueling journey from Minnesota to Oregon. Leg 1 has taken me from Minnesota to North Dakota, re-tracing my journey here in reverse.
North Dakota is mostly flat with loads of farmland, but occasionally you find cool terrain like this. I would not be able to tolerate living someplace so dry and barren, but I do see the appeal.
The cat is displaying a great deal more patience this time, perhaps having been acclimated to long duration car travel by the original journey one month ago. She's caused some small trouble by crawling under the seats, at one point trying to hide under my legs as I worked the pedals. Otherwise she's been very quiet and calm, all things considered.
Stay Tuned for Day 2!
I wish you are coming back with a lot of great memories! Drive safe and hope your cat might feel "WTF" again lol :D@alexbeyman,
Very good images @alexbeyman here in my country we see many landscapes like that, just wait to see how it will be your arrival at your home, where the bustle of life again invades the rest and I finish, but I think it was enjoyed to the maximum truth .
You think it's acclimated to the trip but the cat is plotting against you, I'm sure of it.
Safe travels man. I bet Cat is stoked to get home at least
As I look at those small hills rolling into the distance the following comes to mind:
"One does not simply walk into Mordor."
Have a safe trip back.
Accustomed to your stories, I had already made expectations with the title, @alexbeyman. hahahahaha. I see you're keeping some kind of log of your journey. Excellent idea! The landscape is almost faithful and the visual representation to the first words of your post: With a heart full of sadness! I can almost put some background music on that comeback. A hug
It's a long drive, I've done it enough times from Minnesota to Washington... Once while driving at night I had a close encounter with an elk in Montana. It was startling but woke me up good for the rest of the drive that night. Anyway, have a safe trip!
Cheer up! Most people do not like changes but sometimes changes bring new challenges and new rewards.
Time goes by sooo fast. I just can’t believe it. It has already been a whole month. I hope she will get through this long car travel journey well.
Since the first day you came to the cabin, you haven't mentioned the cat since, glad to see he's doing fine.
Journey mercy to you bro.
"I would not be able to tolerate living someplace so dry and barren, but I do see the appeal."
Haha That looks kind of lush compared to how it is here.
You are daily new new post on your blog . Cat is a helpful pet animal on home . This is very good images . Thanks for sharing @alexbeyman
Am glad you enjoyed your stay overall. She (the cat) seems quite comfortable compared to when you were coming
Great locations and pictures are excellent. These places appear to be heaven. Minnesota to DaKota may be a very lovely location inside the global.