very well put, you go girl! 😁
You may also appreciate this quote that I had referenced on my last post from Harry Browne's book, "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World":
The best method of advertising is simply to live the way you want to live…
since you could also run into potential friends almost anywhere, it’s important to display your standards openly and honestly wherever you are…
If you make your own actions consistent with the standards you really admire, you’ll know which people are compatible — just by their reactions to you. Those who disapprove will seek someone different to be with, and those who have standards similar to yours will react favorably toward you. In effect, you let others tell you about themselves through their reactions to what you are…
Many people hide their identity, tolerate restrictions, and remain in bad relationships because they’re afraid of being lonely. But I wonder what they mean by “lonely.” Aren’t they very lonely when they deal with people who don’t understand and appreciate them? I know I’d be lonely in such a situation. I’ve also been lonely sometimes while looking for compatible people. But that loneliness was usually short-lived and more than rewarded by the discovery of people who wanted me for what I am.
This is a very nice quote.
And this is so true:
I react most of the time (positively and negatively) and all these people around me too. It is all about us! Our ego. What we read, what others say....
But I hope to find compatible people - by their positive reactions. Thanks for sharing I like the message! I will check that article.