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RE: Why The Hell Didn’t I Do What I Knew I Should? HALT to Reduce Travel Misadventures (Part 3)

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Pat this was in answer to another reply from you about finding you and jumping in at point A ~ But when I tried to send it ~ It didn't.

I'm just following whatever is presented in front of me for now, at least until I understand the lay of the land here ~ I rarely read 'manuals' but find out what I need to know by testing the waters and jumping in when I can. Looking through categories I resonate with ~ Mainly art and photography is inspiring and every now and then I'm prompted to comment. Only just found the button 'Replies' so here I am, after 2 whole weeks.


The reply strings are limited; you could have hit the limit. If that was the case, you can move your response to a new message and refer to what you're responding to.

I just recently learned about steemd. You would use the address You can see actions in reverse chronological order, so it's easy to spot when people have commented or voted or you receive payments from other people, such as for entering contests. When you pull up a particular comment, you can tap a button to get to that blog in steemit if you want to make another reply.

So much information there ~ Most of which I don't understand yet. Thanks so much Pat.