Setbacks Are To Be Expected! Working Through Them And Pushing Forward!

in #travel5 years ago (edited)

I just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going with me. I have had a few people ask so I figured I would post and tell you all where I am at with everything.

A Mistake To Learn From. Trust But Always Verify!

As you all may know I got a van to get fixed up to get started on my journey. I bought the van and knew it had problems. The mechanic shop that looked at it for the person I bought it from told me it had fuel problems and that it the motor was good and not locked up and it would take about $500.00 dollars or so to get it running.

It was a well-known shop in my area and I thought that it was all good. So I went to the person that owned it and I talked to them and done some negotiating and I bought the van. Well, the mechanic shop was wrong as they did not know the whole problem or did not tell me the whole problem.

I had the mechanic I know, he does all the work on my vehicles here, look at it and he found that the wiring under the dash had been played with, more like totally screwed up, and would take some work and maybe a whole new wiring harness to fix. You turn the key and the onboard TV comes on, does not turn the vehicle over at all. We tried to use an outside fuel pump and remote starter to start the van and it would not start.

So at this point, we know the wiring to the PCM is messed up not telling the injectors to fire to start the van. Some of the things work that are coming straight from the battery, like the headlights and the lights on the inside. So I am not sure what to do.

We looked for a wiring harness at salvage yards but the one we found will not work for this van, as it has many extras in the van that the normal Chevy 1500 vans do not. A new wiring harness is over $500.00 dollars and will be about $700.00 dollars to replace it. Then there are no guarantees that it will even run because the PCM may have been burned up because of the wiring. That would be another expensive fix.

Some Lessons In Life Have To Be Learned The Hard Way

So I am back to square one I guess and looking again for a high top van that I can get. I will try to sell this van and maybe I can get what I have in it from the motor and transmission. The rear-end was just rebuilt before all of this happened. I have the paperwork on that in the van.

So it will take me longer than expected to get everything together. I will push forward and continue to work at this. So from this point on all the liquid Hive and HBD, I earn from posting will be going to getting another van. I will be saving again also and I will get it done. I will not power-down Hive as it has taken me a long time to get where I am on HP. I will not be powering up liquid Hive and HBD but saving it to go towards a different van. Yes, that is not what I wanted to do but it is out of necessity from me to get back on track with getting on the road.

This has been an uphill battle for me and it has been something hard for me and many times discouraging. I will make it up the hill and when I am at the top it will be a victory and I will enjoy the downhill ride and I hope at the bottom it levels off and stays that way, although I bet there will be a few bumps in that road also. I will deal with them one at a time and strive to always move forward.

I am not asking for donations or anything like that, I will just ask you if you are so inclined to please upvote and reblog this post. I know from being on Steem and Hive for three years how hard it is to get up Hive and HBD, an upvote costs you nothing but some time and a little of you VP, which will regenerate. Thanks, I hope everyone has a great day/night, whatever it is in your part of the world. Always Forward!

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Voted, reblogged and shared...carry on with the mission!

Thanks so much!
I am continuing to look.
I will get a van and be on the road.
No room for failure on this.

Hope you find a great van soon.

Thanks for the tip! I hope so too.
It will happen, I just have to be patient!

Your welcome 😊