Sun! In Scotland?!? Are you sure you were in Scotland? ;P
This was a joy to read. I should visit Skye again at some point, to get some real memories of the place to breeze away the clouded childhood memories of the place that I currently store in my noggin.
Shame about the coffee room incident but yeah, there is a bit of a strange etiquette in Scotland about not eating/drinking your own stuff in most places no matter if you bought stuff or not, cinemas included (fuk that, we sneak booze in soft drink bottles and plenty of cheap sweets).
Haha, yeah I think it's those etiquettes you can't possibly know in advance, but you have to learn the hard way once you're there haha. But that said, screw such things as etiquette and stuff right, we're rebels ;)
Well someones gotta push past the stupid rules :D
I think we are Rebel Heroes!