So this past weekend, my girlfriend @ladymaharet came down to visit with me, and we took a trip down to Del Ray, Florida to meet up with a whole host of other Steemians!
She flew in at around 12pm my time on Friday into Atlanta. Due to some kerfuffle with the rental car company and her credit card, I ended up having to drive down there from Montgomery, with Kate in tow, to pick her up. We were both running on practically no sleep, but we powered through the ride back home, hit up Walmart for some dinner, and called it a night.
Good thing, too, because we went down to Del Ray, FL the next day for a meet up with a whole bunch of people! Most everyone had ended up getting down there on Friday, which was just impossible for us to handle given we hadn't had any sleep for more than 24 hours prior. Still, we managed to make it up on Saturday and we got there around 8:30 for the festivities!

It took us a little longer to get down there than we expected, but we eventually got down to Del Ray after a grueling 10-hour drive. We met up with @aggroed, @isaria, @swelker101, @lenadr, @choogirl, @crimsonclad, @negativer, @morodiene, @scaredycatguide, and @kubbyelizabeth.

expensive drinks), followed by a couple more after that. It was a good time; really was worth the 10 hour drive down!After we all met up outside of the Mellow Mushroom, we made our way down the street to a bar in an old funeral parlor called Death or Glory. @crimsonclad had gone on ahead and we all sat down for drinks. Since me and Chelsea hadn't eaten for most of the day, we ordered burgers from the bar, and hot damn they were good. Then we got a few drinks (

We spent the night down there in Del Ray and we got going the next morning after a full night's sleep. The trip back took for-damn-ever, but it was with the best company imaginable. We made our way by a different road on the way back. We stopped by this incredible place called Soupa Saiyan. It's a pho place, which marked the first time I've ever had pho. Talk about delicious. Soupa Saiyan is DBZ-themed, so naturally, we ordered the Kaioken bowl. Big damn bowl that even the two of us, starved from driving all day, couldn't finish off!

All in all, it was a great meet up and one hell of a great trip! If anyone of you are ever in the Orlando area, check out Soupa Saiyan!
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Finally getting back in front of a computer after 4 days of hot steemit meetup action. It was good to meet you @anarcho-andrei!
It was great to meet you too, man! I can't wait for the opportunity to meet up again.
What fun!!!!! You guys look like you had a blast!!! :)
hahhaahah, thank you so much for not mentioning why Moro and I are not in any of the goofing around on the street pictures. I wish I could have squished on you guys some more!
I am so sad that I couldn't be there, too, but I'm very happy that you all had a good time!
That would have been so cool. Next time.
It would have been a grand time with you there!
Got one in the works for early summer in NYC. Would love to see you there, @choogirl and @anarcho-andrei, both!
Great stuff. Would have been fun to get down and out into some sun. Looks like it was a good time.
It really was. We would have loved to have you there, man!
Good times, fun times :)
It was really fun. Hanging out with everyone in real life and just having a blast together was a whole other level. Hopefully, one day, I'll get to meet all of you guys that I know. :)
We didn’t have enough time to chat!!!! So beyond grateful you came down. I cannot wait to hangout again.
You were absolutely fantastic. You really made me feel welcome, and you made Chelsea feel welcome as well. I really appreciate that. :)
Kubby looks like she's in a lot of pain in the first picture!
Well, it's a lot of work trying to hold up one of the top 20 witnesses.
Woohoo fun time:)!!
That's so cool! :D
Hi obyś zdechł
You look like a happy family 🤗
I like how you captured the top of my head in that photo.
Good meeting you briefly. Would have liked to have chatted to you more before the sudden departure.
Good to have met you Andrei... cheers mate
Same here man! We'll have to do it again some time. :D
You guys are troopers for making that trek for an over nighter - awesome! Great meeting you!
It was great to meet you too! It was one hell of a night. We'll have to do it again some time soon.
It seems that you had a lot of fun.
Loved reading this post!!! It's so cool to put faces to names! When you guys got together... Who was in charge of planning the event? Did you have an itinerary? Or just hang out together? Everyone book rooms in the same place? And how many days total was the meetup! Just curious what people do at typical meetups! :) (If there is a "typical" meetup lol )