
At the moment you can use the search author feature for just that! We're also working on making a permanent link (well it's actually already implemented but we'll be announcing it in the next post so shhhht!)
You can try it by:

yeah, I saw the search author filter, it's great! just thought that links would be great too 😁 and you did it already! awesome! 😁

oh, can I ask you to do one more thing? 😁
I wanted to add this text "!steemitworldmap 10.6249469 lat 103.5006562 long A Cheap Place to Relax on the Beach in the Country of Khmer D3SCR" in < blockquote >< sub > tags to make it smaller in size, but it doesn't work like that, could you make it work? 😏

Ah, that should work already normally! So I'll definitely take a look into it! Might be a few days though as I have exams coming up!