we never experienced anything like that, but we don't have any iphones either :P
in most cases we just hold on to our bags and try to not visit dark places...
it's interesting that whilst in Bali we met two russian couples and both of them got their iphones snatched away while they were on a motorbike (you know how guys drive and girls watch a map in their phone). after that I started to hold my phone really tight...
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Yeah, we need to be careful anyways though you have an iPhone or not ... lol...
Yes, HOLD onto your phone but we need to hold ourselves first and then the equipment.
Angkor is a location I have already shortlisted. May be in coming years I would plan an international visit and would have Ankor as part of it. Though on a good note, nice pics and information. So keep enlightening others on Steemit. Cheers!!!
Thank you! Good luck on your journey! :)