Wanna be Nomad - Amateur Writer - Photo Rookie - Hitchhiker Apprentice - Clueless Trader

in #travel7 years ago (edited)
That is my bio. You know the space you have below your Steemit name. That place where you can describe yourself a bit so people know something about you without reading your posts. That mini area where you sell yourself to other Steemians and, with a drop of luck they will like what they read and they may open your latest post, to see what´s your drill.

Spanish version at the end of english. Versión en español después de esta

But what makes a good bio and a bad bio? Is there even good/bad bios or does it completely depend on taste and perception of the reader?

I think there are bad bios. I´ve seen people giving out too much information, like cramming the space up making it difficult to focus on something specific. We just see a name and a hell lot of small letters right below. Or none at all.

I believe a good bio must give information about us but not that much, or even have long sentences about some uninteresting stuff.

My tip is that you write here what defines you but in an appealing way, so people get interested in actually reading your posts.

You may have noticed that in my bio I state that I am not an expert in pretty much anything that I like.

Well, I´m not. I am always learning and I don´t consider myself an expert in anything, I´m just an adept. We constantly learn and grow and to state that I am a Nomad, a writer, a photographer and a hitchhiker would be to think too much of myself. Instead, I like the idea of putting my slim expertise in my bio, but to state that I am learning, and I intend to keep getting better at it.

As you can see, all of those adjectives are phases towards becoming an expert, a profesional.

I wish one day I am able to change my bio to:

Professional Nomad - Skillful Writer - Photo Conosieur - Experienced Hitchhiker

But for now, I can just...

Remember, Be Here Now


Spanish version incoming, if you already read, go vote below :D

Dizque Nómada - Escritor Amateur - Photógrafo novato - Aprendiz de Hitchhiker

Esa es mi bio. Has visto ese espacio debajo de tu nombre de Steemit? Ese lugar en donde puedes describirte un poco para que las personas que se meten a tu perfil puedan conocer algo sobre ti sin tener que meterse a tus publicaciones. Esa mini área en la que te vendes a ti mismo para con los otros Steemians y, con un poco de suerte les causarás curiosidad y se meterán a algún post tuyo, para ver que traes, para ver que tal eres.

Pero que hace que una bio sea buena o mala? Existe eso de bios buenas/malas o depende totalmente de gustos y de la percepción del que lo lee?

Yo si creo que hay malas bios. He visto personas dando demasiada información en este pequeño espacio haciéndolo ver apretado y sin forma, volviendo difícil al lector enfocarse en algo específico. Solo vemos un nombre y muchas letras pequeñas debajo que ni nos molestamos en leer. Hay quien no escribe nada y desaprovecha el espacio.

Yo pienso que una buena bio debe dar suficiente información a los demás pero no exagerar, y tampoco debe tener un enunciado larguísimo acerca de un tema nada interesante para los demás.

Mi consejo es que escribas aquí lo que te define pero hazlo de una manera atractiva para el lector, así se interesarán en ti y quizás hasta lean tus posts.

Quizás te hayas dado cuenta que en mi bio me defino como alguien que no es experto en nada de lo que le gusta.

Bueno, es que no soy experto. Siempre estoy aprendiendo y en continua mejora y no me considero profesional en nada. La gente crece y mejora todo el tiempo y, decir que soy un nómada, un fotógrafo, un hitchhiker, sería hablar demasiado bien de mi, porque no es cierto. En lugar de eso, me gusta la idea de acentuar mi poca experiencia en estos asuntos en mi bio, pero aclarando que sigo aprendiendo y que en algún momento seré mucho mejor de lo que soy actualmente.

Como podrás ver, todos esos adjetivos son fases para volverse un experto, un profesional.

Espero algún día poder cambiar mi bio a:

Nómada profesional - Escritor experimentado - Fotógrafo Conocedor - Hitchhiker Profesional

Pero por ahora, solo se trata de...

Recuerda, Vive el Aquí y el Ahora


There are 2 pages

Well it depends. Not everyone takes out time to read a bio. Once your content are good that's when people at times bother themselves to know who you are and where you come from.
Content is the first identity before your personality

Muy cierto lo que dices amigo @anomadsoul, por mi parte pienso que debemos ser concreto y tratar de definir lo que somos con pocas palabras, eso dice bastante de nuestra personalidad. Feliz día amigo y gracias por tu apoyo.

me encanta la idea de tener la publicacion en español, por eso te ganaste 5 chocolates, tienes razon en decir que no eres experto en nada! la esencia de la vida es el aprendizaje continuo.. si soy experta seria aburrido, gracias por los tips los tomare en cuenta para mi biografia (la cambio constantemente soy muy indecisa), por cierto eres mas guapo de lo que pensaba jeje saludos y buena noche

hopefully be able to realize his dream yes .. and hopefully his trip please my friend yes i will keep you for her here my friend @anomadsoul

Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your post. You also made me think of "Be Here Now", I think I last read it when Steve Job passed away. I hear it's his favorite book.

awesome photography my dear friend @anomadsoul
thank you for this post
Really you're looking so beautiful D:)

Multilanguage man :D

Our bio is our identity
It tells much about us to people

A bad bio will definitely give bad information to people about us.

Our bio is our story behind the scenes

But whether good or bad bio, we must learn to be good and down to earth like @anomadsoul.

He is a boss with big heart

Thanks for this wonderful post

I am a big fan

We all learn something all our life. Someone does it better, someone worse. The main thing is to choose what you like. And if this activity gives you the opportunity to provide for yourself, then this is excellent. I think that you will achieve your craftsmanship.
But everyone chooses their own way in life. This choice is influenced by circumstances and responsibilities. I envy you that you can roam the countries, see something new, but I would not be able to.

Interesting and I think there are bad bios as well. But why not write simple bios instead of a bad one

enjoy the trip mate! definitely life is here and now! ;)

I experienced déjà vu while reading your post 😛

I think my bio is an interesting one 😉😏

Why don’t you have a look at it as a matter of proof 😌😎


Hi, may I know how to create a banner like yours?

you are indeed a humble person , even a lot of people is already looking up to you in thia community , you still remain humble and not bragging out, what an inspiration

And yes , we all begin as rookies and step by step we can bewhat we want to be by hardwork


Agree to what you said, it's very encouraging to see someone being humble even they have achieved a milestone already. Thanks @anomadsoul

You are the definition of a free spirit.

Living a nomad lifestyle sounds appealing, but the vertigo of throwing oneself to live like that must be huge! Although if one succeed then it must be one of the greatest feeling ever.

I think as technology evolves, being able to do this will become less and less hard. Just until a few years ago living like that was almost impossible. Then people starting to earn a living using platforms like youtube, then instagrams starts, and now blockchain is allowing a new generation to also earn a living by creating content online.

The tendency is clear. And as @taskmaster4450 likes to say, a new age of abundance is around the corner.

Hola @anomadsoul es gracias por la información. Creo que existen personas que si se sentaron a escribir sobre ellos, otros solo por llenar un espacio. Existen otros que son malos para las descripciones jajaja .. Me paso :D . Que buen mensaje con el " remember, be here now"


Your bio shows the world things about you, how you lay your bed, so you lie on it...well thanks for the great information boss

thank you for your suggestion, i also think what can i post so that it attract readers to read my post, and give me appreciation. But sometimes it's hard to make me disappointed, but yah, because my post is less interesting, maybe in the future I will try to post interesting things to make people like to read my post

Después de leerte tuve un ataque de impulsividad y me senté a remplantear todas mis bios.
Creo que vas directo al grano. En lo personal, jamás sigo (en ninguna red social) a alguien cuya bio incluya su signo zodiacal o algún mensaje motivacional. Soy como Hitler con eso.

Muy de acuerdo contigo.. seamos concretos y precisos al definirnos más aún en lo que dices de no hacer alarde de todo lo que somos o sabemos. Lo veo prudente, sabio y de corazón humilde. @anaaguilar

beautiful view buddy yes

Wow.. I never felt my bio was that important. I just mentioned a bunch of stuffs I do in it and left it at that... I think I'm gonna edit it soon tho.. thanks for this

I think my bio still rings true to who I wanted to be and who I am now.


I still like philosophizing about a number of topics.
I love food and sometimes still posts about food and places where I ate.
I have posted several games, anime and comic books.
I have done some books reviews
I am still a HR and Leadership fan boy of Simon Sinek and his servant leader and together is better philosophy which we use in mentoring the people in Ohana @steemitfamilyph and which is see in the @promo-mentors

It's a bit long but it's who I am.

I am happy to get to know more about the persons of the anomadsoul and with this you give us more glimpses of the man behind the handle.

Nice things you share. Thanks again!

Great travel, I bless you brother

I struggle with how much information should be shared there... I keep mine to the minimum and try to capture as much as I can :)

Hello anomadsoul,,, I will always here to support even my students leaders.. :)

Yo tampoco soy experta en nada, ni siquiera se como venderme lol

I totally agree. However, one will never know why some pretty uninteresting lives and lousy writing make such popular bios and vice versa. A matter of marketing --or whatever one may call that kind of surveying--, I guess.
Interesting and refreshing as always --that I actually get to understand you--, @anomadsoul.

Looks like you are already a good writer....

For my bio I picked something that was fun, different, and making people wonder just a little. People sometimes stop by and leave remarks about it being “Unconfirmed time traveling cat”.

The unconfirmed part being I don’t have a clue what kind of content I’ll be doing next week or even a few days from now most of the time or perhaps I’ve just not been caught yet time traveling.

While I’ve yet to really do much about it on my own blog. I’ll go into certain types of blogs and have a little fun if the author already knows who I am regarding it. Sometimes I’ll past by some article that is showing “proof” of time traveling and I’ll leave a comment like “Just making sure I was not on the list. The humans suspect nothing.”

I’ve had a few laughs and good times on other people’s blogs. Humor is really something I’ve not been able to create blogs for on my end. Which is perhaps most of all why I leave my bio as it is. Humor should be somewhere on my blog!

That is an appealing bio.I already know I like you before I ever read a word you write!

Como experto en nada creo que te gano en mi bio:
Screenshot from 2018-02-24 22-00-22.png

Pero es que para algunos el término que usamos acá más bien indica una forma de vivir. Cuando yo digo que soy músico, no es porque llegué a la cima, es porque vivo la vida desde la música y hacia la música (por ejemplo). Y ella (la música) es infinita, es vulnerable, es voluble, cambia... Yo creo que así es para todos los que amamos las cosas e incluso es lo que he percibido de ti en otros posts.

Jajaja, pero ésto se volvió una disertación filosófica mía en un post tuyo (¡qué abuso!).

¡Tienes razón, hay que aprovecha bien ese espacio y ser bien concreto!

You could probably change to at least a professional nomad and experienced hitchhiker xP Though in honesty I'm not sure how one judges when one is a professional nomad XD

Your photos and writing aren't bad either, you could go at least intermediate with them surely, possibly even advanced ;D


Its very useful information @anomadsoul

from now on I will make what is my skill and write it in my post.
I just joined steemit and post my story. Please check..
Warm regards

He cambiado mi bio muchas veces y creo que aún no tengo la ideal. Tu publicación me ha ayudado a reflexionar sobre este tema y voy a pensar en una mejor bio para mi y también ayudaré a las personas que estoy invitando. Saludos!

I think there are very few experts in any field and the good one admit that there is still a lot to learn in their field. Anyway that sense of transformation in your bio makes you more approachable and human so I don't think you will put something that serious in your description :)

Hello @anomadsoul

I am always learning and I don´t consider myself an expert in anything, I´m just an adept.

I think we have some similarities as indicated by these few lines. I am not an expert in anything too but trying to improve on what I do on daily basis. You are such a too simple guy.


I totally agree! Those little bio spaces I see more like writing something there to make the visitors curious about you and stay to discover more about what you are doing. If you write everything on there they may understand that they already know everything about you and move on.. :)

You look absolutely good. Good trip so far? Yeah, i kept my bio simple too but that simplicity speaks details.
Your dream bio? You are getting there...
How are you, brother?

The main thing, you are happy with it ...

(GE) Die Hauptsache ist, man ist mit Freude dabei!

:) heheh Short and sweet love it!

I got to taste what it's like to travel for a while... 6 weeks.. but still! Loved it, and now I have the travel bug. Let me know where you go next, and maybe we can go together! :)

Dulu, bagi saya menulis merupakan suatu kebebasan. Apapun saya tulis, namun hasilnya kurang bagus. Sekarang saya menekuni satu bidang saja dengan tags masakan dan kesehatan. Ternyata hasilnya berveda ketika saya fokus pada bidang tertentu. Saya bisa memperbaiki tulisan agar lebih baik lagi dan tetap fokus di satu bidang. Terimakasih @anomadsoul. Informasi anda sangat berguna bagi saya

In time, Eric. You'll be all those. Yet, we were wondering you could put down a bit about yourself, but you could also put down what your blog is going to be about. You can have a neurosurgeon who has five properties around the world and is an adrenaline junkie, but would rather blog about social injustice (there could be some irony in that). Maybe a mixture of both - who you are and what you will write about. :)

You may have noticed that in my bio I state that I am not an expert in pretty much anything that I like.

It's totally Ok as long as you are a professional nomad.
Go Eric!

Gracias por la versión en español. No me había detenido a pensar en ese detalle de la bio, realmente la coloqué al iniciar en la plataforma, y ahora me doy cuenta de que ya se me queda corta. Un poco más allá, me recuerdo en ese momento y puedo notar que he ido evolucionando. Siempre he pensado que, quien cree que lo sabe todo, no sabe nada y se cierra a la oportunidad del aprendizaje. Saludos y que cada día seas la mejor versión de tí.

Your bio is great! Nice photo, also. Looking forward to hear from you!

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