Do you like Paris ? - Post #4

in #travel7 years ago

I’m still on my quest of a meaning for me being on Steemit, and if you saw my 4th Vlog (I make one Vlog and one Post a day) you saw me doing it walking in Paris.

I have had many international friends coming to visit me in Paris, and always telling me about how lucky I am to be here, to have the opportunity to walk down that city everyday of my life.

The thing is when you live somewhere, or more generally when you get to experience something often in your life, you easily loose the excitement and gratitude of being able to do or get that.

Unless you practice your gratitude, by consciously reminding you how lucky you are, or being reminded it externally here or there.

So my question for you, if you don’t live in Paris :

Would you like me to extend my Vlogs from my room to the streets of Paris ?

Or do you have any other ideas that may have nothing to do with it that would interest you that I could talk about or do in my Vlogs ?

I’ll probably do my best to upgrade gradually towards what works best for as long as I enjoy doing this, so feel free to state your envies.

Much love from Paris,

