Twizel…a little town with a secret!

in #travel7 years ago

Notice the word `Wiz’ right in the middle of the town’s name! I had a `wiz’ of a time in that little town, on New Zealand’s south Island. 

We didn’t think so at first:

The sad looking house we had booked to stay in for the night, was somewhat of a disappointment. It looked uncared for and didn’t have a welcoming ambience. Added to that there was no linen on the beds and some of us adults had to sleep on bunks.  

But it had a lovely lounge, corner kitchen nook and a washing machine. We were so happy to wash our clothes and hang them on the windy-dry out in the barren backyard. 

It was late afternoon by the time we found the rented bungalow, but everyone was looking for something fun to do in the town. 

So out we went to explore:

Some of us took bikes, and I followed with my camera. We came to what looked like a blocked off area, with a long log across the side of the road. 

Then turning right, following the log, we came across an opening, which took us down a steep bank to an interesting nature reserve area below. 

Seeing some pathways, the biker were off, happily and soon out of sight. That left us to wonder off on our own little sandy pathway.  

It wasn’t long before we came across a stream. And then, can you believe it, we had discovered a river and its many tributaries, right there, next to the town. 

Aaaah…man! It was so beautiful down there.

No matter which way I turned there was another scene to capture with my camera. 

Gosh Twizel certainly had a secret… a nature reserve hidden below the banks of the town.  

It was so peaceful down there, with the river running in and out quietly between uncultivated vegetation and its cay islands. 

When our bikers got back to us they told us the place was setup for bike trails. And after that they returned every now and then to check up on me and see what I was up to. 

I had a `wiz’ of a time:

I wondered here and there taking photographs. I couldn’t believe it. Around each turn in the river there was another and yet another stunning scene to take a photo of. 

I love painting water scenes. So you can understand I was in my element coming across such gorgeous stream and river scenes. 

I spent so much time wondering around taking photos, that I became very tired and exhausted. When it was time to go, I practical hobbled all the way back to our rented house. Even so there was a modest smile on my face and a beating thump of joy in my heart that day. 

Here are two oil paintings I have done of the place. 


By the way, the white in the paintings may look like snow, but it isn’t. It’s white sand and pebbles like you would get in a graveyard. And also white little flowers.


Hope you have enjoyed seeing what Twizel is like! And one day when you go there, you can check up how my photos and oil paintings portrayed it.


Sorry that I haven't been posting for over a week. I had to make a new internet connection deal, and it took so long.
But I'm back!!

welcome back* we miss you so match Truly amazing photos and trip this Twizel the first time I hear their nice name
Thank You **

Thanks so much for the welcome back. I missed you folks too.

Was where you had gone, it had been a while since we saw your posts. Some travel experiences you were sharing were amazing. Glad you are back,

Great to see you again.
Sorry I've been off line. I got a better deal with more gigs, but the documentation took a long time to sort out! Hope all is well now.

wow after 14 days you have posted,I was waiting for your post @artguru and I was missing your series of new zealand tour.Don't be sorry everyone have some problems in daily life and Internet connection is a very important issue nowadays.By the way each and every photos are wonderful.Thanks again to share with us,Upvoted and Resteemed.

This is a great adventure, hope you enjoy your stay over there

Thanks for your comment.
I'm no longer in New Zealand. But I have great memories of the place.

Your water drawing looks pretty impressive .

They are oil paintings. Glad you enjoyed.

Your study of the territories I liked. Landscapes of the places you visit always look amazing and picturesque. I like the fact that you will never pass by an excellent picturesque place and make beautiful photos.
But most of all what struck me about this message is your oil paintings. It looks professional and interesting. You have the talent for creating paintings. Probably in your house for the whole time you have accumulated a whole collection of art
Thank you, are glad that you are backHi @artguru, how are you doing? you have not been, I missed your posts :)

I'm retired as a professional artist. But have a website: where you can check up and see more of my art.
Glad to be back and catch up with you all again.

It's a lovely feeling to retreat to nature from time to time and enjoy a peaceful and active rest with friends or family. I think that we all need it in order to recharge our life batteries, especially if we are living in large urban towns. I like to going to easy weekend hiking tours for this purpose. Your oil paintings are amazing, they are very realistic! : )

I can do abstracts, but been to such a lovely place I wanted to show you it's true beauty.

@artguru amazing post! You made me fall in love with New Zealand all over again! I actually have been there twice and everytime is more and more beautifull. Considering going there again after reading this post!

Very good working. I wonder New Zealand so much...

beautiful secrets that life gives us. Cute Post Regards!

Painting on point! Great post sir :)

Beautiful places. Would like to visit them atleast one time :) .

Well come back. Nice photos.
Your trip was amazing.

This definitely is a wiz adventure that is better experienced than read. I look forward to reading more of your adventures because it is inspiring me to go for a wiz adventure myself

Chuckles. Secretly I think the whole trip was a WIZZZZ!!!

So beurifull.