The Heavens that are Read in Aceh

in #travel7 years ago

Surga yang termbunyi di aceh
Ternyata sangat banyak tempat tempat yang indah di aceh layaknya surga yang termbunyi, di aceh mempunyai pantai yang indah, indahnya pantai di aceh tidah jauh beda dengan pantai yang ada di hawai, akan tetapi banyak orang belum mengetahui akan indahnya tempat tersebut. Saya sangat menyarankan anda yang hobi travelling untuk menjelajahi tempat tersebut.
Aceh Singkil Sangat dikenal dengan pantainya yang indah yang diberi nama pulau banyak, dinamakan pulau banyak karena pulaunya yang lumanyan banyak, pulau banyak sangat diminati oleh travelling yang ada di aceh bahkan dengan pantainya yang indah membuat pikiran menjadi fresh.
Halo sahabat steemit saya menyarankan apabila kalian bingung mau jalan jalan kemana untuk hari liburan langsung saja pergi ke pulau banyak aceh.

The heavens that are read in aceh

It turns out that there are so many beautiful places in Aceh like paradise that is, in aceh has beautiful beach, beautiful beach in aceh tidah far different from existing beach in hawai, but many people do not know the beauty of the place. I strongly advise you who are traveling hobbyist to explore the place.
Aceh Singkil It is well known for its beautiful beaches that are named after many islands, called the island a lot because of its many islands, many islands are in great demand by traveling in aceh even with beautiful beaches making the mind fresh.
Hello my steemit friend suggest if you are confused want to walk the road where for a holiday day just go to the island aceh lot.
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it is not like of Aceh arthor, I regret this can happen.

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I love your photos! I've been to Bali, Indonesia last year. It was one of the beautiful countries I've visited. I'm following you to check out your stories and photos!

Nice photos of the beautiful beach!

Go here let you know how beautiful if you go straight to the place@firepower

Wow, amazaing Arryy,
:)))) :D

thank you ..Everyone has experienced the same thing as me @allsave

An Interesting Post..

Follow me back @daiiat

ai have follow you @daiiat

yes i really agree with you @ath-allsave. thank's for sharing

Nice picture bro!!

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Awesome pict rakan @ath-allsave

Thank you friends, I hope we become good friends @jackilzar