Today i went to ŞİRİNCE. Şirince village is stay İzmir /Selçuk . İf you come to Turkey AND İzmir you can g oto very beautiful place . Like a Kuşadası , ephesus,selçuk .. Şirince is far from Kuşadası only 30 km , to Selçuk 8 km and to Ephesus 12km . Şirince village is the town which cover with olive tree and these days very famous place for trip . İf you go to Şirince you can feel the history time :) Şirince is still not denaturalize.
This is the village house . Many people are living in Şirince . They also restoration their house like a restourant .
Şirince also famous with wine . The village full of wine shop and you can try every kind of wine with free . There have many kind of wine ; melon , cherry , strawberry , orange , blueberry etc.
You can try this all without pay any cash :D So that’s one of Good thing about the Şirince village . Also you can find many kind of traditional and home Turkish food in Şirince ~
So Today morning I take a bus from Kuşadası to Selçuk . Its just 6 Turkish Lira(2$) for go Selçuk . I arrive Selçuk after 30 minute and take a bus for g oto Şirince village .Its 3TL ( 1$ )a for a person . When I arrive Şirince really feel the old Turkish town. Little look around and I enter one of restourant and ı eat stuffed vegetables and Gözleme which made with onion ground meat eggplant and drink Turkish coffee . The view was good and make really relax. There no have any sound which make disturb .
The restourant looks like this ;
This is the kind of old oven . Here can make bread and kind of bread food . Gözleme also cook here .
Stuffed vegetables ; I am Turkish buy I ate this first time . I mean This food make with flower , It’s only have in Şirince I think because ı didnt see any other restourant in Turkey . Taste was not bad . It can be good couple with yoğurt This food price is 12 TL (4$)
This is Gözleme . Gözleme is food which make with filo pastry . And inside can put anything like a cheese , meat or any vegetables.
I ate with onion ground meat eggplant . And taste really good. Gözleme is 8 TL ( 2.6$)
This is Turkish coffee with my steemit logo LOL. Turkish coffee can drink 3 kind of taste . with sugar without sugar and middle taste . And also really good with Turkish delight :P
Turkish coffee is 5 TL ( 1.5$ )
This is cup for Turkish coffee :))
After eat my food and little rest I start enter the wineshop :D and try every kind of wine I buy 2bottle wine and 1 bottle just over when I there :D) and later enter abother wineshop there service also was so good. And I first time drink wine which made with honey and cinnamon . Taste was not bad .
But I suggest strawberry , melon and black mulberyy wine :) Taste is really perfect for me haha and mul berrywine is very popular too :) The price of wine 1 bottle is 25TL .( 8~9$ )
This is the strawberry wine . Strawberry wine is my favorite wine :D I decide it yesterday :P If you come Şirince u should try strawberry wine :)
one of wineshop in Şirince . There have like this shop many
This is the service just for try taste . U will not pay any Money for drink this all and just sit and enjoy . İf you dont like taste U can out and go another shop and get service again :D
I try take photo with the atmosphere but was so dark :((
And there have many shop for present too :))
This is soap .
So ı really enjoy in Şirince and I pay only near 38 $ .
Kuşadası – Selçuk -Şirince ( go and back ) ; 6$
Food ; 8 $
3 bottle wine ; 24$
Thank you for read :) If you come to Şirince enjoy there :)
great post. i would love to visit that place
Thank you :) I hope you come to visit here
신기합니다. ㅎㅎ 터키와 엄청 가까이 있는 느낌입니다 ~
감사합니다 ^^ 터키로 놀러 오세요 ㅎㅎ
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thank you :)
nice post (:
nice post ever
The town looks beautiful and the food looks amazing. Thank you for the post.
Thank you :) I hope You come to see this town one day :)
Great post! Free wine is best wine :).
Yes :) And delicious haha Thank You :)
What a great story! Thanks for sharing.
What a great comment . Thanks for read :))))
I'm starve...
Oh :( Its too sad I cant send cargo :(
Nice Share! Those dark photos made it feel real to me:)
Oh, Thank YOU so much :)
i'm excited about your post!
check out mine
thanks for sharing the pictures
Thank you :)
ohh Thank YOU :)))) <3
Thank you :) I did .