We walked to one of the sources of Miette Hot Springs. Some of the top minerals found in the spring are sulfate, calcium, bicarbonate, magnesium & sodium. As you see in the photo, the sulfate turns the rock almost white as it gushes out the side of the mountain at a scorchin' 124°F (51°C)!!! This source was found along Utopia Pass Trail.

upvote. Great pictures i love it
wow awesome
thanks! Have you visited Canada?
cheers @bradenford! Been to Jasper before?
I really like that umm, 6th one, with the skyline and sightlines kind of running to the center, nice composition :)
one of those must capture moments! wish i could capture more closely the beauty of being there
@bigoldbitties now i have a reason to go to Canada. Would love to check out Miette Hot Springs.