I was thinking about Kelloggs when I made that title :) It was just a cool little town, I stopped early and walked around quite a little. Then I saw that Judy Garland was born there and did some more research. The number of famous people seems way out of line.
I have fished off a motorcycle, but it was always directed. I watched two guys fishing early when I was packing up to go. Looked like they were doing pretty well. And there is just water everyplace you look up there in Minnesota.
I saw my first 'bait vending machine' there. I stopped for gas at a Cenex and they had a vending machine for worms and grubs and stuff for the hours they were closed. Unbelievable.
Ah yes, we have those vending machines all over the place here too. The one state park that we camp at every year has them by the bathrooms. It is pretty crazy!