Bye bye Iceland ! My last hour here

in #travel8 years ago

I'm waiting for my bus to the airport.. it's time to leave Iceland. It was an amazing trip and I'm glad I got to share it with you guys. The country is beautiful as it is dangerous. Had a lot of good food and Bitcoin rose to $4300 whilst I was here!

The first settler of Iceland !

Long lines waiting for hotdog

The icecream is amazing !!


That ice cream :D

It's so good !!! They love icecream here

Where you heading after boxmining, I glad to see your interviews with Julian of Tenx an Da of Neo.. Awesome. enojoy your holiday mate.

Thanks so much mate !

Personaly I am glad you had a good trime in Iceland. I plan to visit there someday. I believe it is a lovely place as shown in the picture

Safe trip back , why is the country dangerous ?
That ice cream looks divine , want a lick hehehe .

Volcanoes ! Lava !

Wow I wish to see it . Must be a sight .

You went to see genesis mining facility?

Yup I saw their facility

Yes, all that is fine, but how about Genesis? I thought you'd meet them?
I would very much like to see their IT kid(s?). Do they even have an IT department? I very much doubt it. From what we see, my best guess is that someone's 12 y/o kid has some computer skills and this kid is Genesis' IT department.

You had a great trip. Iceland is absolutely amazing :) I want to go there soon :)

Delicious and refreshing ice cream! ;)

Great country but so expensive. I went before the financial crash and I felt like I had a hole in my wallet my money ran out so quickly.

Exactly !! Everything is like double in prices

MICHAEL, QUICK, what the heck is going on in China?????? Have you seen Binance and the coins that have started going there like Hcash and Hshare. The volumes have grown ridiculously in just a couple of days. They are gonna give Neo holders their gas! Also projects like HCC or Bytom. Please cover it.
Glad you enjoyed your vacation in Iceland.

Just found you on youtube, gonna upvote and resteem everything, amazing post and iceland is beautiful, visit denmark ;)

The line is super long, must be the best hotdog ever :D Even though I would prefer eating this delicious ice-cream! Great to hear that you enjoyed your time there! I can't wait for your next post :)

Nice photos!

Had a lot of good food and Bitcoin rose to $4300 whilst I was here!

Please make regular trips to Iceland so that Bitcoin keeps rising in value! Bon voyage!

Sounds like you had a good time. :)
Have a nice day!

I hope you got wifi on flight. Cus when you land you gottacmake a video on the flippening of the mining rewards now favoring BCH. This could cause a speed up spiral effect value flowing faster and faster from BTC to BCH resulting in BCH becoming the main chain.

Crazy Iceland-Ice-Cream man!!!
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

what a great trip; thank you for sharing your travels; safe trip home