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RE: The Vacation That Never Was...

in #travel21 days ago

Amazing. So you're into old school RPGs you say eh? What're some of your favorites? For me the top 3 are probably Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, and (a bit later) Final Fantasy Tactics. Oh and the old Baldur's Gate, but that was a PC game. I still have all my old consoles - NES, Super Nintendo. I crack 'em open once in a while and pop in some games. The saves still work. It's pure magic.


Oh buddy, I am SOOOOO into old school RPGs, have been my entire life since I played my first gold box D&D game for the Commodore 64. Give me some plot and story and I'm there lol. My FAV SNES RPG was Chrono Trigger! I have one boxed, but no instructions grrr. I've also got all the old consoles, boxed! I'll prob be doing a few blog posts on old school systems in the future to "show off" all the stuff I collect and I'll be sure to tag you when I do! I have way too much stuff. My wife wants me to sell everything because it takes up so much space haha.

Dude that's awesome. Yes please tag me when you make those.

I also can't get enough of old-school RPGs. I bought a PS5 recently and bought a few high-end games, but then ended up playing stuff with an old school feel on there like Octopath and Unicorn Overlord, haha...