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RE: A Great Day at a Cenote in Sunny Playa del Carmen

in #travel6 years ago

Really? You owe me a response? I'm sure I've let some comments slip through the cracks. Speaking of which, you crack me up Lynn, because I don't think you and I are really that old but I also prefer the actual cards. My husband gets frustrated with me. It's cheaper to download a book - but NO, I want the real thing with actual pages, that you turn, and can dog ear (shouldn't but can!) So thanks for the belated reply. I didn't notice but it's always nice to have a quick chat ;)


aww thanks for appeasing my guilt so well :)

I'm 52, but my manners date much further back I think haha

One of my favorite gifts a student ever gave me upon her graduation was a bent up, dog-eared, written-in novel was her all time favorite book and she wrote the most beautiful inscription inside the front cover. Her family was poor and she didn't have money to buy something "new". I told her that her gift was more valuable than gold!
I love a well-read book ;)

Wow! That is very special. My favourite gift was the melted chocolate offered to me off a little girl's fingers. She was three. And I was a swimming teacher for teeny tots. You can imagine I received all sorts of amusing and endearing offerings!

You are a leeeeettle older than me. My husband is also 52 and I'm 39 + 2 at month end ;)

awww that is so cute! I love how little kids just give without thought of socially acceptable norms!

Yep, a little older; thanks for trying to be kind there :) 39 +2 haha. I need to remember that. I'm actually 49 + 3. That's what I meant!