A lot of people ask me... Why Guatemala? The simple answer. Kids. When our first belly bean was on the way we had to decide what, where, how.
Being 2 people who met traveling and are from different countries(U.K. and U.S.).... we had a bit of a conundrum. Fairly quickly we decided we didn't want to settle in the U.S. or the U.K.
Why? Mostly the fear culture in both countries.
Stranger danger, legal educational mandates, obligatory vaccines,
social expectations of behavior and obsessive learning demands. We wanted to raise kids....not future upstanding and useful citizens of a society.
We wanted tree climbers, loud, free, open, running, jumping...fearless kids. We wanted to be away from judgment.
Guatemala provided this.
I guess others could see this and feel it reflects on them... but it has only to do with us and what we sought... we made these choices for us... how you raise your kids is yours... have at it... and fuck the judgers.... this is not a judgment of others this is a discription of our way and our choices.
I choose to be the best parent I can be.... I'm not parenting the best child I can create.
Take a split second and think about that sentence... it is a packed sentence and the meaning could be over looked if read quick.
The word parenting is a strange modern word that popped up in the 70's... it gives the impression of control... but we are merely guides on this journey of bringing up a child. Thinking we can control how our child turns out is a misconception in my view... about as silly as a gardener thinking he can control his harvest. The weather and environment controls a garden. A gardener can provide nutrient rich soil and adapt as best he can to what the environment gives... and this is about the same as we can do for our kids.
A love rich base, a constant adaption and flexibility toward a developing personality.
Basically I choose to see my role as providing good tools and not controlling behaviors. Being and giving the best me... not parenting or making the best child of me.
Kids desperately need autonomy. To take risks, and learn from the results... yet so often these days, choices are shaped, stress and fear brings out a safe and behaved child...the new polite 20th century child that gets their homework done, that studies to get a high rank on whatever test of pedagogy aptitude a given society demands of its kids, that is given an Ipad every time their behavior gets a little unruly.
The new demands and expectations on the modern child can go suck a fat one... my kids are gonna cause people to whisper behind our backs... gonna cause gasps of fear and have people telling them to come down and be careful... the kids I'm raising are gonna hurt themselves and hear me say... hmmm maybe that wasn't the best idea... maybe next time you should think twice about running backwards on an escalator.
Their choices will be theirs though and they will deal with the consequences even if we will be right there next to them dealing as well... our type of parenting is not easier.... It's not lazy parenting... it's intentional.
So when you see my kids... and you say... those kids are 'so mis-behaved'... if you were brave enough to say it to my face...
I'd respond happily. 'Thank you, it's a lot of work having such perfect wildlings!'
This is original writing and photography
It's been great to get to know your kiddos over the years.
haha...yeah...you are how they measure the size of everything in there world.
Great post buddy. If/when I get over to Guatemala it will be great to meet the tribe and climb trees. Jump in Lakes and generally explore. You've got it spot on with your wildlings! I grew up climbing trees etc and I turned out alright... well apart from that incident where I fell out of a tree but that was last year so... can't really blame the upbringing 😉
😉thanks @raj808 yeah..i hope you do make it to guatemala...and my kids will keep you safe up in those trees.
This is beautiful, you and your wife have hit the nail on the head on how to be parents. The response to this post of yours is absolutely awesome and very well deserved. Parents are meant to be guides; not rulers of their offspring to be raised as conformists for governments.
Love the term , "wildlings".
Peace man,
thanks @sultnpapper .... i feel we have been through it thick and thin around these steemit parts. it has been a joy to read your posts and be part of each others development. i hold friends close in this real world... i try to be the same in the steemit world. though we only really know one another through words on a screen... i still consider you a good friend... without sounding to sappy... thank you for that!
I feel the same way, and to see this outpouring of support of this post that you produced is a great joy for me to see, you are doing it right my friend. Good friend is a true description for both of us.
Yes, kids are a great reason to move to a foreign country, I completely agree! Our kids are the main reason that we are in Panama and for many of the same reasons that you mentioned. It is hard for a lot of people to understand this viewpoint! :)
i can understand why folks would be afraid to make a leap to another country.... but after having done it...i really cant think of it any other way... i love popping into your blog by the way.
cheers @apanamamama
Yes, it really is a big leap but worth it and kids adjust so quickly! I'm glad we did it!
I knew what you were going to say after the first two sentences. Your life resonates so strongly with me man, it must be awesome to see your kids grow up with something tangible for the future. I've dreamed of raising my future kids in a connected way, and then take them on "vacation" in a European metropol concrete jungle when they turn 10 ;)
For the intermediate duration though, I've been eyeing Guatemala strongly and a guy on the floor told me last summer that it's basically the new Costa Rica.
Looks like I have a new connection if I need some more specific info when I finally touch down over there ;)
A happy new year to you and your family.
yes... consider yourself connected. feel free to ask me any questions about Guate. i am open and happy to share. haha... the new costa rica... should i be scared??
here at the lake there is many strong communities forming.. not sure the age of your kids... but kids 12 and under thrive here... my community has an affordable stiener waldorf school that goes through 12.
I have been on the ground here pushing a lake atitlan steemit community. there are 7 of us now... i'll get that doubled in the next month. later this week i am going to make a post about the growing crew of new guatemalan steemians.
Sounds amazing!
I am still in preparation mode here, but the exodus has long introduced itself to my life, I feel it coming and I will make the move once I am ready.
No worries, I won't just show up out of the blue ;) I am still not sure where this perma thing will happen for me, but I am looking for more sun in my life and I want to live with the land more time of the year than just a barefoot week in August which already does wonders for my well-being.
Cheers for your offer to help. Being a permafreak in theory will not help me out much without practical hints by practitioners, so I am grateful you guys are doing your thing and sharing your knowledge with the world so that we may get back to living with nature and off our own land.
Must be amazing to go pick your veggies and go straight into the kitchen to make a fresh salad <3
Great post, parenting is such an adventure, one that we need to embrace and one where we need to trust our kids in the way that they lead us. They are well aware of what they need to learn and how to do it. all in all they have made me a better person. There is a big lack of wild in the world today, i'm all for bringing it back. Thanks for sharing @buttcoins
im gonna come visit your posts.... cheers.it is nice to hear you feel and think in a similar way @trucklife-family above @ronnie60 mentioned a hashtag #rewilding would be nice to live in a world where that hashtag could trend...
Fun read about child rearing. What a concept that even kids can handle the consequences of their own behavior. I bet they love Guatemala.
haha...yeah imagine that...how ground breaking...brave new world baby
A great post - I'm not a parent, though. (from UK also).
If I was - I would hope to be the same kind of parent as you !
(growing up on a farm, playing, and taking risks was a luxury I only realized I had - in retrospect)
Happy boxing day, mate
thanks @lucylin happy boxing day right back at ya. yes... its funny how in the moment...we dont see how much our parents actually give us... we realize later... i too desperately wanted out of a town that was so boring and full of sad boring people... now i know it is a magic place that i was blessed to have grown up there.
Smart point you got going on there “I choose to be the best parent I can be..I’m not parenting the best child I can”.. it makes sense and I’ m sure your so called “misbehaved” kids thx to your parenting will grow up to be amazing super confident and smart humans! They are growing up free in a world that seems to limit out abilities and imposes its rules on us every day..I dont have kids but if I had I would do exactly the same as you guys! Keep in touch! :)
thanks @lidac yeah... i will certainly keep in touch... i have been enjoying this new daily blog you have going.
Thank you as well..much appreciated! :)
wow great post, very interesting thanks @buttcoins
you are very welcome... cheers right back at ya.
Wow! What a refreshing take on raising kids without a padlock over their minds and fear in their hearts. Looks like you did some research before deciding on a move, good on you. Best wishes for a happy and FREE 2018! Upvoted!
thanks @evernoticethat yeah we life researched it by simply traveling there... then came back when she was pregnant...it was 1 of 4 choices in our minds...and somehow in that moment was just the right move...never looked back after.... wishing you well in 2018 too!
Sounds to me like you are some awesome parents. These kids will grow up to be highly independent and worldly. Great job and thanks for sharing with us!
it is my pleasure @jeffagoe i am glad you approved and enjoyed. i'll be stopping by for a visit over at yours soon. cheers.
Omg, this is such a wonderful post! It is such a beautiful reason! Next up how we met while traveling story please! :)
haha... thats a good one... i cant promise it immediately.... but i will do it. ive told it enough times...so why not write it. hope you are well.
please do! I am well and back to work in Rome, back to long-distance but back to steemit too. Life goes on. :)
I spent a month exploring the Atitlan region last year and was blown away. Guatemala is such a beautiful and powerful place, with a strong indigenous Maya culture that has refused to be assimilated despite 500 years of colonialism. Will your children learn the local languages along with English and Spanish?
yes... my daughter and son both speak, english in the house, spanish at the school and katchikel with there friends and nanny. it is a strange and beautiful thing to hear them in conversation. thanks for your comment @skyfoot im glad you enjoyed Guatemala while here. did you make it to lake atitlan?
We were late in moving the kids to Central America. I wish we had done it years earlier. But better late than never. My granddaughter is starting her journey the right way. Kudos to you for starting at the beginning. I am following you and resteemed your post.
it is rare that people regret the choices of going for a risky dream. it doesnt always work... sometimes you have to go back...but regretting an attempt at following dreams is rare....all just part of learning and gathering experience.where in central america are you based out of @cecicastor thanks for the support and comment...it is truly better when it comes to these things. we spend so much time doubting and hesitating in this life... sometimes the leap just needs to happen...then the dealing with the leap can happen in the moment.
We are on the Pacific Ocean in Nicaragua! Neighbours almost!
Great post! I whish I would have raised my kids that way.
Kids need to learn things on their own.
Good luck!
thanks @ cipas How old are you kids?
14 and 16 years old. City kids. I say no more 😂
I agree with you to some degree. Let kids be kids, that's fine. They need to know some limits though. Like skateboarding down a steep hill, especially with traffic around is probably not a good idea. Most likely they could be killed. Hopefully, they will have enough common sense not to do something like that, but it'd be nice to know before you let them out of the house with their skateboard.
you can only prepare them for so many variables... i think for me the point is giving them the tools to find their own boundaries... obviously the younger they are the more you helicopter... but with age...the rope goes further and further out as they say. worrying about your kids is a given... how much space given vs. how much they benefit from this helicopter parenting is the the trick i guess.
Great post! It gives me hope that more and more people choose a different life and get themselves out of the clutches of overreaching government and suffocating societal pressure. We're living beings, like all of nature, and in nature we belong! I hope #rewilding will be trending one day soon!
Good luck! May your lives be ever exciting and your future be bright and filled with natural joy!
Nice hashtag @ronnie60 yeah #rewilding deserves a place! Appreciate your well wishes. ill pop over and check you out.
Excellent post and insight into the problematic upbringing style we've adopted in the western world. I am convinced that all the 'disorders' currently diagnosed in our children are a direct result of the chains we put on them. Your kids are so lucky!
I resonate with that statement @alieone it is like watching a slow motion car crash...we all kinda see it but cant really stop it or grasp the realities that created the crash in the first place. if we are lucky we can do a last second side step and get as clear as we can from destruction. haha... i think i got a bit carried away with my metaphor....sounds dire. anyway ill shoot over to your posts for a peeksy poo.
thanks, i don't think i have any posts up your alley, yet! problem I see is that there isn't much a parent can do today unless they do what you did. The next best step would be homeschooling which might not be possible as it would require a stay at home parent and while in the 50's one income family with kids thrived, that is no longer possible in our era of 'low inflation'. Even a homeschooled child would be fighting an uphill battle because his peers would have the 'recommended' upbringing. Unless something changes we're doomed to raise a generation of medicated, unhappy children :(
Love it! Glad I stumbled upon this. Just followed you. We have common interests and are like-minded, Yup, there are SO FEW "true" parents out there these days, ESPECIALLY in the "developed" world. You deserve a MEDAL for taking on the task with INTENTION and HUMILITY... Three thumbs up!
nice one @transcript-junky ...it is nice to hear we are like-minded. i happily accept all 3 of your thumbs. looking forward to visiting your posts soon.
Fuck yes! I always tell everybody it sucks raising strong, independent, stubborn kids, but in the end, they’ll have what it takes to rise up to any challenge and thrive in this crazy world. The last thing I want for them is to be mastered and subject to authority. But it’s so tough, because right now, my wife and I are the authorities. So it’s a challenge balancing those worlds with my two kick ass kids.
fuck yes is right.... that so many folks have come out in the comment here as like minded parents is truly refreshing to see. WE ARE NOT ALONE haha... your kids sound amazing. where are you based? if you are ever in Guate look us up... we can let the wildlings loose together. thanks @theferalone
Sounds like fun! We’re in MI, US. We moved from New York City for similar reasons you guys moved to Guatemala. There’s a lot more freedom out in the boonies than in large cities.
@buttcoins ......thank you for this magnificent post. Thank you for making my husband and I feel like we're not alone. Thank you for not making feel super crazy. :-)
I love this line... "I choose to be the best parent I can be.... I'm not parenting the best child I can create."
Again, great post! I wish you all the best success on Steemit!
thank you kindly... haha...one of us..one of us... yes...i felt very comforted by all the support on this post...glad to see there are some folks bringing up fierce children. glad we made the connect.
Great post!
I totally get where you are coming from! My husband and I have frequently thought about trying to move to another country where things like mandatory vaxxes are not an issue. It is not for us though, we just make sure we are in a state where our freedom of education, firearms, and vaccinations are intact. As least, at the moment....
I am also a big believer of letting my kids make mistakes and get hurt. I have had people think I am being 'lazy' or 'uncaring' or whatever, if I don't jump in and save my kid from some scrape or bruise that I see coming. Nope. They learn much quicker and more thoroughly if allowed to make their own mistakes.
Great post, following to read more interesting stuff! :)
thanks @sqishysquid great to hear our linked ideas of child rearing. I'll be checking out your posts. never hesitate to look us up if you want to take a little family adventure to Guatemala.
Absolutely, thanks!
My husband's mother is from Guatemala. I think it would be fantastic to visit someday...
I've got new point of view about parenting after reading this post. As a parents, sometimes we worried a lot about our children's choices.
Amen to that.
thanks @iqbaladan yeah... i really feel so often we spend to much time worrying about others and what they think. we each much raise our children as we believe is best and forget about detractors.
cheers for commenting...i glad you appreciated. looking forward to reading your blog.
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Great and partly recognizable post from you there. I also met my Dutch BF while both living abroad, and then all of a sudden you share your ideas on why you decided to leave your homecountry. So that part I can relate to as from experience.
On the parenting part I can only agree with you idea-wise. You can provide the best surroundings for kids, but you just dont have full control over what happens to them when they are growing up. Nature in combo with nurture. I like you ideas about it and will continue to follow what you guys are dealing with there in Guatamala. Greetings from Sint Martin, that little Caribbean Island :)
she is a 6 year jumping maniac.. she threw herself. thanks @doodlebear