This is an exceptional post with beautiful pictures and an excellent narrative of your entire journey up Haleakala National Park. To see the sun rise looked like such a surreal moment, like the awakening to an ethereal beginning. It truly was captivating. I couldn't believe how some of the pictures did look like you were on Mars! It must have been a hard climb, because the altitude makes it harder to breathe. I commend your fortitude and determination to make it to the top. That shows wonderful character!
I want to thank you for posting a truly well written post with amazing quality and effort. I wish people will see this post and resteem it, because it deserves recognition. Good luck and again, thank-you for posting such an exceptional article. I loved it!!!!!!
Oh, thank you so much for all of these wonderful comments! The entire day was truly magical! And yes, when I said reaching the summit was one of my happiest moments, it really was! I wasn't sure I was going to make it...>_<