experience of solo travelling and staying in viet nam. Hope helpful for you

in #travel9 years ago

Vietnam is charming country where i think, you should visit at least once in lifetime. However with foreign tourists, our country is still very strange in both of culture and nature. So if you’re planing for an alone trip to Vietnam, maybe you will want to consult the experiences which I have accumulated after many years, many trips to distant lands of Vietnam. 

1. Having a balanced diet and exercising regularly at least half month before the trip for best health. Health to enjoy the trip completely. 

2. Check the weather where you’re going to visit, to make sure that you have adequate equipments . Vietnam’s weather is very erratic and different depending on each region. Somewhere are very hot in all round year like few provinces in Central, while some are cold like few places in Northern

3. Drinking water is an important problem. Not all people can drink the same water. I saw a member in my group got vomited after drinking water, while all of group drank it and the local also use daily. Best, you should buy bottled water if you’re not sure you can drink that water. 

4. Few drugs and simple medical instruments are indispensable. You should carry tonics or effervescent tablets of vitamin C for long trips, because not eating enough make you feel sick and tired. You should also learn info where you visit for diseases, poisonous insects,…to carry the appropriate drugs for. 

5. Don’t be seduced by local specialties if you’re not sure you can eat. Vietnam’s dishes may be quite difficult to eat with foreign tourists. The think “Eat once to know” can make you staying in toilet all day instead of resting on sunny beach. 

6. You should listen to advices of locals. If they say “don’t eat that things”, “don’t do it” or “don’t get there”,… sure, they have their reasons. Respecting the locals is the best way to protect yourself. 

7. You should consider buying travel insurance, keeping the number of police, hospital, and consulate of your country, writing your name, your hotel’s address, phone number of relatives at visible location on your backpack for risk cases. 

8. Learning about the culture, environment,… where you’re going to visit. Asking others who travelled to that places for more experiences. You can also ask me about Vietnam’s lands in comment section, i will reply soon (if i know)! 

9. Plan at least 2 itineraries for your trips. Try to pick flights, buses, trains that arrive in daytime. 

10. When booking hotel, don’t pick the hotels too far from center (for safe and not missing many interesting activities). Consulting hotels from other traveller is necessary. 

11. With female tourists, needing to notice local customaries. Vietnamese is very strict in dress. Anyway, don’t try to show your body or attract the attention of others if you don’t want to meet many troubles. 

12. Always be careful with valuables. Best, don’t wear many jewelries when travelling, you will avoid many troubles. 

13. If you get lost or feel denger, do not show fear. Walking confidently like you’re knowing where you’re going. If you see anyone follow, come into a store or crowed places. You should also carry a self defense spray for attacked case. 

Above is all of my experiences and tips (that i remember) for an alone trip to Vietnam. You may thought that things are not serious like i said but the caution is never excessive. Vietnam is charming country with many beautiful lands but still wild, so you should have best preparation for perfect trips.  


Hello, great recommendations, would love to have more photos to see about Vietnam. I'd love to go ther for sure.